Part 12

Aiyana woke up next day with a bad headache. So she didn't go to school.

"Dear, are you okay ?"
"Granny, i am fine."

"Dear, you don't look fine. You left for prom as by shining child and came back home losing that spirit. Please be okay..."

"I am ok."

"I know what you are. If know i am here if you want to share..."

"Granny, i know you are concerned for me. But i need some time alone. I promise you when i am fine and the time is right, i will surely tell you."

"Ok. Dear, i understand."
"I am now going for work. I'll be back by evening."

"Won't you go to school today ?"

"No, I don't feel like. Now I'll get going. Bye, miss me." - Aiyana said before going with a fake smile....

Aiyana went out. She had a lot of time before her work. So she went to the park nearby.

Nature has been always by her side. From the darkest time to her happiest moment, if the the whole universe is against her, nature was still standing for her. So Aiyana likes to spend time with nature alone..... Today she needs nature most.....

Then after a while she went for her part time job.....


David was confused why Aiyana didn't come to school that day, she never missed school from the first day...

In David's mind :

I never felt guilty for any of my ex. But why am i today feeling guilty today ?
Whatever happened between me and Camile was with my approval but why am i now feeling weird....

On the other side,

Camile was planning to put Aiyana in danger. In her mind :

I have lost in my life. No one ever insulted me and was good. You... You little bitch had insulted me that day. Tried to snatch my David from me. You have to pay for it... Just wait what i do to you...

Aiyana had finished her job and went back home. Like last night she just went to home and straight to her room...

She locked the door. Then she freshen up and sat by her window. It was full moon. Moon is one of her best friends in nature....

"Moon, how are you always shining bright ? Everyone likes the sun but do they ever think that moon is more important. Sun surely is important but it is moon that helps us to find our path during the darkness.... Stars shining through out the sky is very beautiful... Some of them don't exist but still we can see them...
Life is maybe also like that. It seems to be very beautiful and easy but in reality it is a battle field at every moment.... "

She was drifted to sleep while thinking that.....

Meanwhile, Frank had gotten some information about Aiyana.
A new problem is coming.... A new battle....

Author's Note :

Hi ! How are you all doing ?

Here's a fact:

Life is a battle field , courage is the sword, hope is sheild, but the most important thing is the spirit of a fighter....
                                                                                  - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading it......

Please let me know your thoughts and support me...

Take care. Love you.😘
