Part 13

Aiyana went to school almost after a week.

"Aiyana!!! Where were you ? Do you know how .much I was tensed ?how could you just say nothing to your boyfriend and disappear ????"

" It's my wish. Can you just leave me alone ? [ look at the drama. After cheating on me now he is showing a fake concern.... Ughh!!! He should receive a Oscar for it.... Bastard!!!!! ] "

"Hey! Did I do something wrong? Why are you angry on me ? "

"You know it better than me if you did something wrong or not!!!"

"Hey!!! I am sorry if I did something  wrong. "

"You know, I would have forgiven anything but betrayal is something I can't forgive!"

" Now, how did I betray you ? "
"Wow!!! David!! Just wow!!! How are you still keeping up the acting!!??"

" [ Did she came to the prom to surprise me and saw..... Oh... No.. Shit.] Aiyana, did you came to the prom?..... "
"If I say I did."

" Please, give me a chance. I am really sorry... Please... "
"David, can you just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! For God's sake!!!! Please!!!!!!!"

Aiyana went outside the classroom.

"Hey! David. Why are you behind her? You already ditched her. Come with me babe."
" Camile!!! It's all your fault!!! Get lost!!! "

"Listen young man, don't shout at me. We did nothing but just a kiss. It also happened with your approval. So think twice before what you speak!!!!"

" Still, you seduced me!!! "
"Listen, if you are going to shout on me for that bitch, then Mark my words, she is going to face a big problem you can't imagine. Don't forget I know her past!!!!!"

"Camile, don't go anything with that! I am warning you!!!!"
" it's been a week. I have already done what I had to!!!! "-she said with a smirk.
" What!!!?? What did you do ? "
"Oh!! Come on. You are not a nerd. You can figure this out."
" Don't tell me that you contacted her uncle. "
" If I say, I have already done...!!! Go, get your girl!!! "

Camile left .

In David's mind:

Oh... Shit!!! What have I done!!! I told this witch everything!!! Shit!!! Aiyana had trusted me. Oh... No, I must warn her. No, no. Her uncle shouldn't catch a hold on her... No, I must tell her....

David went to find Aiyana.

" why are you shouting my name??? I said that we are over... "
"Aiyana, please listen to me. I need to..."
" I don't want to hear anything. Go away!!! "

That night,

It's almost 3 in the morning. Grandma is knocking at the door.

"Aiyana, dear. Please open the door. I have something important."
" Granny... What is that important at this late...? "- Aiyana said yawning.
" Dear, a boy name David is looking for you. "
"What the heck!!! Why is he here this late!!! Tell him to get lost..."
" Dear, I had told him, but he said he said it was very important and you have to listen. "

In Aiyana's mind:

I told him that we are over. Doesn't he understand. Ughhhh!!!!Bastard!!!

Author's Note:

Hey! How are you?

Here's a fact -

Don't trust anyone blindly or you may lose your vision of trust....
        - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this.

Love you. Take care.
Be okay, be fine.
