Part 20

The next day at school -

"Hey! Aiyana.."
" Yeah.. Sadie. "
"I have something to tell you.."
" Oh... Say.. "
"Thanks for last day. Can we at least be schoolmates not rivals...."
" I would love to. But you have to promise me that you will never again bully anyone "
"I promise... So friends ? ..." - Sadie put forward her hand. So did Aiyana.

In her mind:
It feels good to help someone and transforming them in to a better person....

After a month, Aiyana's school life was about to be completed.

In her mind:

Time passes away so quickly. I just came here a few days ago and it's literally almost 2 years.... If feels like i just came here a week ago. Time is passed... I must get ready for my next war. I have to again establish dad's dream ....

School days were almost at the end.

"Aiyana, what are you going to wear for the last school party?" -Isabella.
"I don't know." -Aiyana
"Ahhh... This tomboy!! What shall i do with you? You are not a tomboy but also not like girls..." -Isabella.
"Well, that's how it is..." -Aiyana
"You are coming with me now for about shopping." -Isabella.
"But...." -Aiyana
"No, but.... You sure are!!" -Isabella.
"Ok.. Ok"-Aiyana.
" Wait, i will ask Emily if she is also joining us. "-Isabella.

" Emily will come directly to the mall. "-Isabella

They both then went for shopping.

After a lot of searching Aiyana bought a black gown with little hint of blue.

It was the day of the party.

In Aiyana's mind:

I should probably now get ready. It's been a while i didn't do any kind of makeup... Let's see what can we do.

Aiyana wore her dress. She put on light makeup. Her eyes had a little bit of eyeshadow and the look was done with a neutral shade of lipstick. She let her hairs open with a little curl on the end. She wore her heels and she is ready for the party.

Aiyana took a cab and went to the place where the party was held.

The place was decorated nicely. Isabella wore a white gown with pink. Emily wore a dark green one.

" Hey! My squad... You all look stunning. But not more than me cause i am the school beauty. "- Isabella said while laughing.I
" Yeah.. Yeah. Sure. You are. "- Emily.
" Well, Aiyana, it is my first time seeing you with this much makeup. Although it is quite less. Wow!! Your makeup skills are good. "-Isabella
"Thanks.." -Aiyana.

"ATTENTION!! Everyone. This is the principal. Please take your seat.
I had somethings to say. You all are soon going to take admission in different universities. You are all the seeds we grew in our school now are going to bloom as a pretty flower. I hope you can make us proud and make our school one of the best ones.

I won't take further time by giving a big speech. You all should now enjoy. Best of luck for your future."

The party was going amazing. To Aiyana everything was looking like a dream, she always wanted. A dream to see everyone around her happy with her...

"Aiyana, sing a song."
" I... I... can't.... I ... "
"Aiyana,come on. In these years we never heard you singing. Come on now." -Isabella


"Isabella, what are you doing?..." -Aiyana
"No excuse!!" -Isabella.
"But..But... Fine." -Aiyana

Aiyana went on the stage and sang the fight song by Rachel Platten.

Everyone was amazed that there was a girl with a strong voice but they didn't knew...
They all veneer for her.

The part was over with a good farewell

While returning home, in Aiyana's mind:

The day was amazing. I never knew that life can also be this much cheerful again...... Maybe i took the right decision to not to wear the cold mask.... Maybe life is beautiful if i try to find the beautiful things in it. Maybe not letting the past reflect me was the best decision of mine..... Mom, dad, see you little daughter is all grown up. Knows to live, knows to survive, knows to smile.....

Author's Note:

Hi! How are you?
Pls let me know your thoughts.

Here's a fact :

Life might be painful but it is also amazing. Just need to see everything with a wish to be happy....
-Kim Jeontugi.

Let me know what you remembered reading this.

I had a question.
What's your favorite song ?๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

Mine is "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. ( The reason is, no other song expresses me more than this song can....๐Ÿ˜‰)

And "Someone you loved" by Lewis Capaldi . I have no reason to love this song, I just feel something when ever I listen to it, a unknown feeling....

Take care. Love you ๐Ÿ˜˜.
