Part 15

David started his car. At first they dropped granny to David's house. Then they started to get out of the city...

It was almost midnight. A car going through the quiet highway with no destination.....

"David, where are we going ?"
" Actually, I am not sure.... "
"What ? You are not sure where we are going!? Then are we supposed to live in the car with no destination!!!"
" Well, I don't mind that.. "
"Hey! Don't you dare to flirt with me. I said that you don't have the right!!"
" Oh... Yeah... I am sorry. I think we should better go out of the city at first. Then we can go to some state or something..... "
"Fine. Do what you want. First got we have to get out of this state...."

Aiyana was very tired after her everyday work. So she had fallen asleep.
They were going through the highway. Things change so quickly. The place she had made her small little world has again fallen apart. She has to now go and find a place for her own again.

Life is strange and full of surprises.....

It was almost morning. The sun has started to rise.

The morning sun hit Aiyana's brown hair. It was shining like never before. Her plump lips had a small smile, maybe she saw her parents in her dreams.... Her face still had marks of her tears. Probably from last night.... Silent crying without drawing attention.... Just left the marks of the tears..........

In David's mind :

How could I just hurt a flower like her ? She looks so innocent while sleeping. She is not a stone heart girl. She is having just forced to be. She is forced by the reality. Looking at that little smile, who will say she has been through the most of the nightmares one can ever imagine....

She trusted me and have me her heart. So I would take care of it and never break it. But, I being a asshole, just hurt her.  To me her trust.

I can't even imagine. It maybe was not easy to open up to someone After so much. But she did. She trusted me and what I did!! I joined her  fully and hurt her...

She made a little world of her own. I just broke it again. I just added another pain, another struggle to her story. Now she has to start from again whwre she had started.....

Even if she one day forgives me, I can never forgive myself. This guilt is going to have a big impact.....

Aiyana woke up with a fresh mind and smile...
"Good morning."
" Good morning. Though with you the morning is not good.But still, I am on a good mood. So ok. "

"So, may I know the reason of it ?"
" Not your business.... "
"Aiyana, are you still angry ?"

" Angry!! Ha.. Ha...Ha. I don't know what anger is. So I even have the energy to be angry with you. I am used to such betrayal and up-downs of life. What are you? Another person to come and hurt me.... Whatever, I don't have any more energy left to be angry on anyone.... I am just disappointed on me that I give others so much chance to hurt me. Oh... Whatever... I accept it. I accept that life will continue giving me challenges and hardships.... Whatever I'll change my fate...... I accept that the path won't be smooth.... "

" Woah!!! I gave a speech just now... Forget it... "
"Aiyana, are you okay?"

" Never was.... Hey! Stop taking and concentrate on driving!! "
"Yeah..... I will just say, I am guilty and have no excuse....."

Just, a bit guilty soul and a soul still fighting to live were going through the road, to find a place.....

Author's Note:


Are you all enjoying?
I totally get lost in it while writing it. I can't keep track....😶

Here's the give fact:

Words are like swords. Even if you take back the sword, can't heal the scar, same are words and actions you do towards your loved ones.... Appreciate your loved ones, some don't even have that........
                                - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this...

Hey!! I write this fact with so much effort. Please reply. I sometimes think that maybe you don't read my author's note. But I write it with so much effort.......😢😭😢

Take care. Love you 😘.
