Part 23

"Aiyana, please give me a chance. I will prove you that I love you." -Mike.
"Mike, I have told you many times, I am not interested. Please. Don't force me to be rude." -Aiyana
"But, why ?"

" Simple, I don't want to be distracted from my goal. "
"But I will not distract you. I will just love you."

" Sorry, I won't hurt any person for loving me. So I am trying to make you understand. Please leave me alone. "- somewhere in her heart she still doesn't want to give anyone place. Although she buried her feelings but somewhere still it is alive and it hurts.....

Mike is one of the boys in the queue to win Aiyana's heart. But she doesn't give anyone that chance.

University teachers likes Aiyana cause she is always present at every lecture and is attentive.

Currently Aiyana is just focusing on her study and the company...

" EMILYYYY!!!!!!!....... "
"What happened? Is everything ok ? Why did you scream ?"
" I.. I broke the password!!! "
"What!!! "
" Now,what are you going to do ? "
"I am going to take all the inner information. Let's see."
" Yeah. "

After 1 hour,

"Oh!! Noooo!!!.."
" what happened? Aiyana. "

"The company is a very bad state. Shit!!!! The much information I got from outside is not completely correct. The company is going down!!!! Noooooo!!! It's my dad's dream...." -Aiyana couldn't control her tears.

"Aiyana, hold yourself. You will do something."

" If these keeps on the company will be on auction. This can not be happening. No!!! I have so something. According to my observation it will be on auction in 16 months. My study will be completed in one year. I have so little time.. Ohh... My head hurts"
"Aiyana! Stop taking stress. Cool down and think calmly how to proceed."

" Yeah... I need to sleep. I didn't sleep last night. I tried to break the password for more than 10 hours. My head is spinning. "
"But.. Won't they know you hacked in ?"

" I guess no. I hacked in a different method. If I had to hack a way they would know then I could have done it 2 years ago. I am trying this till now so they don't know. "
"Ooo. Ok. Now you rest. I will tell the sir you were ill."
" Okay... "

Emily Left for class.

In Aiyana's mind :

I thought that I will get some confidential information. But this just blown my mind. I didn't knew they were at such a state. I have to do for quickly..... That Frank Williams just destroyed my dad's dream almost. Don't worry, dad. I am here. I will be the shield of our dream...... I have to.....

I need a good planning what I have to do. I have some ideas but I have to plan them accurately. Let's see..... I sent my design and ideas to KH company. Let's see if they respond. I need a startup. If they approve my idea then I might get a chance......

Author's Note:

How are you all doing?

Here's a fact or you can say a quote -

"Buried deep inside the heart,
In a treasure chest,
with a lock made out of pains and tears
Will the lock stay?
Will my dreams stay confined ?
-Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this :

It kind of my words. I had stopped my dreams and the voice in me. But the lock just broke. I let my dreams fly.......

Take care. Love you.๐Ÿ˜˜

Note: These facts and quotes are written by me. Feel free to use but don't forget to give me my credit. Please, don't steal. These are words of my heart, I write, which I might can not say in words.... Please don't steal. Use them but give me credit....๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
