Part 24

"Aiyana, you got a email." - Emily.
"Ok, I will check it out."

"Oooooooooo..... Yayyyyyyyyyy.... "
"What happened ?"
" My idea got accepted at the KH company. "
"Whatt!! That number one company. Woah... Congrats."
" Now, no one can stop me. They are willing to invest in my project. They think it will be one of the successful ones. "
"Wow, now you can save the company."
" Yup. By the way when is Isabella coming ? "
"She said, it will take almost a 1 year. I miss her."
" Me too. "

Isabella has gone to make her modeling career p, foreign. So she kind of now is busy but surely remembers her friends.

"Emily, i won't be able to join the lecture even today. I have to go for the meeting they have called me."
" Okay, but what shall i say to the professor ? "
"Tell him I have a job interview."
" Ok. "
"I need another help."
" Yup,say. "
"I am confused what should I wear for the meeting..."
"Oooo. Come let's choose."

Aiyana wore a formal dress with a long coat.

"Best of luck."
" Thanks. Bye. Love you. "
"Me too. Byeee..."

Aiyana went for the office of KH company.

"How can I help you, man ?"
" I am Aiyana White. I had a meeting for the next investment project. "
"Yes. Please wait there. "

After a while,

"Mam, please go to the 10 th floor."
" Thanks. "

Aiyana went to the 10th floor.

She opened the door of the meeting room and was....

"You!!!!....." -Aiyana
"Aiyana.... You!! Here...." - David.
"I... I....." -Aiyana
"You both know each other ?" - Mr. Kang( David's father)
"Dad.... She ..."
"Oh!!! Sorry Mr.Kang. We were once at a same school. Let's skip those."-Aiyana
" Yes... "-David.
" Show me the file. I must say you are talented. Your project is amazing. "- Mr.Kang
"Thank you. Here is the file. I taken this project and was looking for someone to invest in it." -Aiyana.

After a while -

"I like this project. I can already tell that this project will be a success. I am looking forward to work with you." -Mr.Kang.
"Me too." -David
"My pleasure. Now I will excuse myself...."

Aiyana left the room.

"Dad, I will be back."
" where are you going now? We have another meeting . Sorry, dad. Please, I have to. I will attend the meetings later. Please. "- saying this David quickly left the room.
" what shall I do to this boy... "

"Aiyanaaa!!!!! Wait."
"Did you call me Mr.David Kang ?"
" Come on. You don't have to be so formal to me. "
"Sorry, I have came here for my work and career. I have to be professional."

" But now we can talk freely... "
"Sorry, Mr.David Kang. I am looking forward to work with you but I hope you will professional."

" You won't ask about granny? "
"You really think I handed granny completely to you ? I was far away but I kept information about how she was."

" She is doing ok. She moved to her house after 6 months. She wanted to move after 1 month. But I didn't let her. I live now here but visit her once a week. "

"Thanks to you, I still can't visit her, also if I did you would have founded me.... Although now did. Little did I knew that it was your company..."
" Yeah... But why did you left that state ? "
"My wish......Bye and I hope that we don't share a past. Do it like we just met and be professional."

Aiyana Left without giving David any chance to speak...

Author's Note :


Here's a fact:

Life is full of surprises. You never know when it gives you lemons or sweets.
To me life is always bitter.......
                                         - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this.

Take care. Love you 😘.
