Part 17

Aiyana went to another state to make a new world for her.

The place was unknown, she had no where to go, it was already late. But she was not afraid like her first time running away.
Somewhere inside, she was sure that she will survive.... What can the worse happen.

She at first went to a dorm and found a place to spend the night. She had enough money to survive, at least 6 months somehow, from her job and some that granny have her.

She got a small bed to sleep at night. But she was sure that she is never going to get asleep. So she decided to sit by the window and planning what she would do next.

In Aiyana's mind:

I will continue with the surname of granny, as many people has the same surname.

Tomorrow I have to get admission in the school. Although I only have two years left for school. Luckily I brought my markshits. Hope will be enough. I need to find a job quickly.
For now I can continue with my online works. My goodness I didn't tell about this to David. Or I had to change my account.

Let's see, this time I don't stay that quite girl at school. If I stay like a grumpy anyone will suspect my past. I will be a cheerful girl. Although I had stopped my sweet-self it this time I will let it come out a lot bit.
I will write my life the way I want. Last time I was just being strong and going with the flow. This time I will play the game my way. Let see what happens...... What can the worst happen ? I am used to change my identity..... Although escape is it my thing.... Still...
Let's see, What do you say ? Moon... How do you like my planning? I don't have anyone to guide me..... You are the only one...

The next day,

Aiyana woke up early in the morning. She took her all necessary things and went to get admission at school.

"Sir, may I come in ?"
" Yes, sure. Come on and sit down. "
"Sir, take my greetings. Myself Aiyana White. I want to get admission in your school."
" Okay. But what are your parents ? "
"Actually, sir . My parents moved to USA. I didn't go with them . I will continue my school studies here. So I want to get admission."
" So, where is your transfer certificate? "
"Here it is... [ I made a fake one all night.... Hope he doesn't understand...] "
"Your grades are great. It will be nice to have you in our school."
" Thank you, sir. From when can I join the classes ? "
"You can join from tomorrow. Come to my office at morning and take your routine and everything and show this to the uniform guy and he will give you your uniform."
" Thank you, sir. I will make you proud. "
" I appreciate it. "

While going to find a job,

In Aiyana's mind:

Woah!! I finally for an admission. I made up a good story. I am proud of myself.... Now I should search for a job...

Author's Note:

Hey! How are you ?

Here's a fact:

People come and go in our life more faster than the seasons change in a year...
- Kim Jeontugi

Drop the thing you remember reading this.

Love you. Take care.๐Ÿ˜˜
Thanks for the 234 reads. Although it is not a good number but still I am happy with what I got......
