Part 26

Aiyana was now very busy. Cause her university life is about to end and also she is after after ptoject.

She today again has to go to the office of KH company.

In her mind:
Ugh!!! Again, i have to see him. I don't hate him and that's maybe the reason why i don't want to see him. Seeing him, makes me feel those moments when we were together..... wait!!! Aiyana.. No, it's freaking 4 years. You have forgotten him. He is just your business partner..... Maybe.. But my brain accept it but why can't my heart....

Aiyana reached the office.

"May i come in ?"
" Aiyana... Shinning child, come in. I really like to work with you young w. You are so full of new ideas and energy. "
"Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Kang."
"Hello.. Ms. Aiyana."
" Hello.. Mr. David... "

"So, let's start the meeting... I will like to draw everyone's attention. This is Aiyana White. You all must be wondering why i am going to invest on her project when she is just a beginner. Well, that's when the most of the ideas come from.
Here, you see her project........... (Time-Skip)...... So as you saw, it's a full-proof project. I never see anyone to come with such a thing at such a young age. I am really hopeful to work with her."-Mr.Kang

Every one really liked her work.

"I am with her, in this. Who else is ! Please vote..." - Mr. Kang.

Majority of the people vote for Aiyana.

"So we will start our project in a week. I hope in half of a year it can turn the heads"- Mr. Kang.

Everyone clapped.

" meeting dismissed. "

Everyone is leaving.

" What ? You called me Ms. Aiyana. Now why ware you calling this way ? "
"You told me to be professional while work. So i did. But we can be friends right ?"
" No. We share only one relationship and that is business partner. "
"But... I said sorry already..."
" After hurting do you really thing a sorry can make up the wound in the heart. "
" the answer is no. So if you really want me to forgive you just let me forget you ( although i can never. Forgetting you is forgetting a part of me... It hurts...- In Aiyana's mind)"
"I.. I...."

In David's mind:

I have to make her forgive me. I can't live with this guilt. I just added more pain to a broken soul. I have to make up for it. I will fix it. Maybe we will never have that love relationship, maybe we will never be tog but i will make sure you are are alone..... I will make sure to stay by your side when you need me.... "

Aiyana was returning home.

In her mind:

Why does everytime seeing him my heart aches ? Why does that guilty pain in his eyes breaks me ?!!! I have already forgotten him. I can't... Just can't. I don't love him still... Do i? But... Why???
Ugh!!! This feelings are so confusing......
Why David ? I might have forgiven you for that incident with Camile that you kissed her... But you broke my trust. I had trusted you and told you everything and you just.... Can you even imagine what would happen if they caught me that day.....
I just don't hate you that helped me that day to escape.. But maybe you shouldn't have . Causes it now gives me mixed feelings.....

Author's Note:

Hi! How are you?

Here's is a fact :

It hurts when just a little height of the boundaries breaks our dreams constantly, cuts our wings,stops our light....
                                 - Kim Jeontugi

Let me know what you remembered reading this.

Love you 😘. Take care.
