Part 16

They were going . They left that state and were going to another.

"Aiyana, this is a state maybe you can live here. It's easy to find job here...."
" Yeah... I will see. Now you can go. "

"Aiyana, Let me be here for someday, you are new here, alone..."
" Come on. It's not first time. "
"Yeah... But still.... Let me help you..."

"Look, let me be clear. We are done. I don't need anyone's help. I am better off with myself. I had enough by taking help and trusting people. So leave me alone!!"

" I just wanted to do something for you.... "

"You have done many things for me, by turning my life upside down.... If you still want to do something for me then take care of my granny."

" I will. She will get the best treatment. Please at least keep in contact with me... "

"We wil see [ I am never going to stay in this state and let alone keep in contact. I don't trust you anymore.]"
" Please.... "

"I said that we will see. Whatever I do, respect my decision."
" .....oh... Ok. "

"Now, go and take care of granny."
" Yeah..... Bye. Best of luck for your life and sorry again. "

"We will meet again, right ?"
" If destiny wants... "

Aiyana started to walk through the road.

David was standing there until he could see her with a hope that she might look back....  But things always don't go as we want....

In Aiyana's mind :

I have some money from my Part time job. Granny also have me some. I can go with them a few days. But I will again disappear from here. I am not going to stay in this state where he left me.
I will not let my past impact on my future.

Aiyana got on a train. She was looking through the window at the nature.

In her mind :

Life is strange. When and how it is going to take a twist it's impossible to understand.... Only 1 week ago I had a almost stable life. A boyfriend that would love me, at least I thought would. A family like granny. At least I had started to feel what happiness is again..... Mom, Dad, after you left, that was the first time I was happy, but.... My world again fell apart.....
Mom,Dad, see how much I changed.. Your little sweet girl has now turned into a strong fighter. A fighter that would never quit. Who will fight no matter what the situation is....

Mom, you will be happy to know, I didn't quit and now I don't want to quit anymore. I realized that life is a journey , full of hardships and everyone has to go through this. So I don't want to quit anymore.
As I survived my past, I won't let my struggle go in vain. I will still continue and make you proud..

Dad, I will again make your dream come true. I will save your dream, our business..... I will.... I just will......

Author's Note:

Please let me know your thoughts.😭

Here's a fact:

Once you hurt a fighter and broke her trust, she will never look back, no matter how much guilty you are..... Cause she is a survivor and knows how to survive..........
                                                               - Kim Jeontugi.

Let me know what you remembered reading this......
Tell me a story you remembered reading the fact and felt related......😢

Love you😘. Take care.
Remember you are not alone. If there is no one then I am here to support you.....
