Part 14

"Granny... Tell him, I have nothing to do with him. No matter what it is.. "

"Dear! I suggest you to talk to him. If it was not that important he would never come to talk to you at midnight..."
" But..... "

"I can just suggest you. The rest of the choice is yours..."
" Okay.... I'll hear what he wants to say.... "

Aiyana went towards the living room......

" why have you came here!!!??? I had said that we are over!!! "
"Please listen to me. I...."

" what is here left to listen!!! "
"I know I did wrong. But I am not here to apologize...Please listen."

" You!!! Not here to apologize, then are you here to insult me. Hey get out of here!!!!!!!! "
"Get o...."

" CAN YOU JUST UP? AND GIVE ME A CHANCE TO SPEAK!!!!!! I said that it is important.... IT IS ABOUT YOUR PAST!!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!! "

"Wha.... What!?? What are you saying? past..???"-memories has started to come back....

" Yes... "
"Speak clearly..."

" I think, your uncle knows you are here.. "

" Yeah... I today saw some men with your picture searching for"
you. "
"So you realize what you are speaking. I... I ...... Wait, but now so you know these information if they are looking for me. I swear, if you are fucking related to this...... I'll kill you!!!!"

" I am Sorry, but I know I broke your trust.... "
"You... You.... What did you do ??"

" I said about you to Camile.... "
"WHAT!!!! Was I so much... So much useable and stupid that i... I..."

" I know... Sorry. But there is no time for these. According to my observation they will find you by tomorrow morning. So we have to... "

"Escape.... Again...Then what will happen to granny...."
" I love alone at my home, she will stay at my home for the time being. Please forgive me. "

"You know what you have done???"
" I know.... "

"But, why are you helping me now??"
" I don't know... I am guilty. This feeling is new for me. But I just want you to be safe . I repent my mistake.... "

"But why should I trust you ?"
" Do you have any other choice... "

"it if you are again lying..... Then?"
" I know I am not worth your trust, I am not saying you to trust me. But, please listen to me and let me help you..... "

"I am not able to understand anything..... Can you call granny from that room...."

David called granny from the next room. She came after a while

"Aiyana, dear. Are you ok?"
"Granny... I am confused. Why does this always happens with me?.... What should I do now ?...."
" I think, you should go with him... "
"But, you...."
" Don't worry about me. I'll be fine... "

"I promise you to take care of her."
" You had promised many things but broke all of them... "
"I will keep it.... Please.."
" I hope, you are serious. "
"Now, we should get going...."

They all started for their journey. Aiyana packed her necessary things.......
A new journey has again begun....

Author's Note:


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Here's a fact:

Life is all about journey on a rocky path. The journey of life is smooth. We have to walk through this rocky path to find out our smoothness.....
- Kim Jeontugi.
Let me know what you remembered reading this...
Hey!! Please, you never reply what you remember reading this facts.... I am curious.Please reply. I write these facts on my own with a lot of thinking. If you don't reply I feel discouraged that the facts bore you🙁🙁

Take care ❤. Love you.

Note: These facts are written by me. Feel free to use them but don't forget to give me my credit....😇😇🤗🤗😊
