Part 4

Days were passing and Aiyana's life was becoming more and more miserable.

Rene used to hit her whenever she would find even a tiny mistake. Cara would always insult her. At school, she was a mock, a thing for everyone can enjoy by bullying.

No one didn't even realize that she is also a human. She also has feelings, she also feels pain. She has forgotten what is happiness. She has forgotten how to smile.

Apart all hurt Aiyana the most was, her father's business. A business empire that her father established was falling apart slowly. Her uncle Frank was soon into so much luxury that he couldn't handle. He had started gambling and drinking. Every night he used to lose millions of dollar at the casino and came home drunk.

Aiyana was already 15. A young teenage girl who would have lived her life like a queen, but now that's all a dream.

Aiyana noticed that her uncle's behavior was changing towards her. She didn't used to like the way Frank used to look at her , specially when he is drunk.

He would wait for opportunities to touch her hand or shoulder and also talk like a pervert.


" Yes.. Sir "

"Oh!! Don't call me sir. I am not that old. Call me Frank."

" .......... "

"Why are you standing so far? Come sit here."

"Sir, I have some work. I have to go."

Aiyana quickly left without giving Frank a chance to speak.  Day by day Frank was again and again trying to get close to her.

One day, Rene and Cara were not at home. They had gone for a party and said that they won't return that night.

In Frank's mind :

Today, I got the chance. This girl!! Can't she get my hints!??. Today I will not let her run away anymore( He was drunk.)

Aiyana finished her works and went to her room. Suddenly the door of her room slashed open, it was Frank.

"Uncle!.. Do you need something ?"

" Yes. I need something very important from you tonight. "

"(Aiyana noticed that he was drunk and something really bad was gonna happen)Are you hungry? Shall I make you something?"- Aiyana said to change the topic.

"Yes, I am very hungry. But not for food, for you!!'

"Uncle.. What are you saying?"

"Ohh!!! Don't act innocent. You surely know what I am talking about. I want you, babygirl."

"You are my uncle. How can you even think about me this way??!!"

" Don't you dare raise your voice!!! Or else the result will be worse!! "
Saying it he was coming more and more closer to Aiyana. 

"Don't you dare take a step further more!!!" - Aiyana screamed after years.

"What will you do if I come more close ?" - Frank said with a smirk.

Aiyana tried to push him and run away from the room. But Frank caught her hand and threw her in the bed.

"Please, leave me. You have money , if you want you can find many girls to sleep with you. Please leave me. "- Aiyana said crying.

" But I want you. "

Aiyana was thinking what to do. She was trying to find something  to help her . She saw a flower vase near her and just...


She hit the vase on Frank's head and he fainted.

In her life, it was first time she hit someone. She was crying by hugging her knees for almost till midnight.

In her mind :

Why must only I suffer through all this ? Wasn't it enough for me to lose my parents , my everything ? Wasn't it enough that my dear ones betray me? My best friends leave me. Wasn't those bullies enough. Why did just I survive that day ? To face this all....

That's enough!! If I stay here anymore, I am sure that he will make up some story and put me in problems and again try to rape me. I must stand for myself now. No more!!! I must gather all my courage. I must fight back.
This is my war and I must fight it will my full to win. But for now I need to elope from here. I need to find a place for me.

Aiyana started to pack her school bag. She took some money she had from earlier and some clothes. Then she went to her aunts room  which was once her parents room and took some money from the cupboard.

In her mind -

This is not stealing. This all are mine that they snatched away from me. Don't worry. Live your life till you can. I am leaving now but I will be back.

Aiyana covered her face with a scarf and left the house.

This time she was feeling the rage in her. She was trying to gather the broken pieces of her heart. She was gathering her courage to fight her battle.
She is no more that sweet little girl and knows how to fight back.

What do you think? Will she survive in this cruel world ?

Author's Note:

Hey! Let me know your thoughts on this .

Here's a fact:
"She has seen all the nightmares and burned in hell. So don't tell her what is pain."
                             - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this.

I don't know why but this book is special for me. I am taking a lot of pressure writing it.😐. Please support.

Love you 😘.
