Part 5

Aiyana left the house without any second thought.

She at first went to the sun-way thinking where she should go. She likes movies on detective and adventure. So in  her mind :

Shall I just go to any place ? Let me just get on the train first.

She got on the train. People in the sun-way were staring at her as she is just a teen girl of 15 alone at midnight in the sub-way. Aiyana noticed it but decided to ignore. She found a seat and sat on it.

In her mind:

With the power they snatched from me it's not hard for them them to find me. I should not just go by a train. I should change transports. But all I know is I have to go far away from where. I have to change the state.
Mom, dad, did you see ? I have learnt to fight. I have learnt to survive. I am not afraid anymore.
Darkness is my new best friend. Loneliness gave me, my courage. I don't hate being alone anymore cause I have found my shield, my supporter and that is me...
Are you proud of me ? Are you seeing me from up ? The only thing I now miss is your big and saying -don't be afraid,we are here. I know you are there for me just at this moment are not here......

Aiyana changed many transports so they could not track her.

Meanwhile at her house -

"Frank!!! "- Rene

Rene quickly called the doctor. The doctor came and checked upon him.
" Don't worry, Mrs. Williams. Mr.Williams is fine now. The hit was not that hard. He just fainted and I can tell he was drunk. "

"Oh!! Thank god. "

The doctor left. Frank woke up after some time.

"Frank are you fine you ? "
"Yeah. Better."
" why were you at that state in Aiyana's room? Where is she ? Did she flew away ? Some cash is also missing . "
Hearing it Frank got a idea to cover up.
"Oh!! Rene, you don't know that unlucky girl was stealing money. I caught her red hand. So she hit me and as she is not here, maybe she escaped."
" Oh!! No. We have to find her. If she says it does anything about the properties then ?? "
"Don't worry, she can't do anything, I didn't keep any evidence. I am calling my men to find her."

Then he called his men's to search for her. A !an had said that he saw her in the subway . Then they started to search where the subway has gone.
But it's not useful. Aiyana changed a lot of transport, so it is impossible to track her.

Aiyana now was ata complete new place, a unknown place. A different state where she has to find a place for herself.

She was walking down the road, thinking

After a long time I am feeling free. I am feeling I am not someone else. I am not afraid. I have again built up my heart while stronger, it will not break again.

She was looking for shelter or any part time job. It was getting dark and still she had no place to sleep. She went to the nearby park and thought to spend the night there.

That night she discovered that if you want to enjoy nature, you must be alone with it. It was full moon and the sky was full of stars. They were shining bright. It was mesmerizing.
Aiyana smiled after a long time. She felt that she was not alone. She had nature with her. A thing to support her.
She was drifted to sleep....

The next morning, she was again searching for a part time job. She needed a place to live and also she wanted to complete her education. But it's not easy. No one was giving a girl with no identification a job ...

In a complete different place, without a place to sleep, good to eat a young teenage girl continues her fighting....

Author's Note:

Are you enjoying my book ?

I am having a lot of mental pressure writing it as I have to feel Aiyana to write her situation.
Pls support cause I am giving a lot of effort.
Here's a fact:

"Don't ask her what is pain,
She has gone through traumas you can never imagine "
                                                                                   -Kim Jeontugi

Drop the thing you remembered reading this and let's see if I can relate....

Love you.
