Part 3

Aiyana woke up with a big slam on the door.

" You little rat, how much more time are you going to be locked in in that room!!!! Come out. "- Rene.
Aiyana opened the door as she had no other choice.

" Listen, you burden. We can not make you get lost cause you are enough popular for being the past heir of A and J corporation. So you will live with us but you have to follow our orders.

1. You have to keep your mouth shut.
2. You have to serve my daughter at home.
3. You can continue school but no one should know why you are not the heir anymore.
4. You have to do the household chores, you know we will not keep a burden like you for free.
5. Never talk back.

You are able to stay here think yourself grateful. But you are not living in this room. You will love in the servants room . "-Rene.
" Aunt... "
"Don't you dare call me aunt. Call me mam. Got it."
" Yes... Mam... "- Aiyana was trying hard to control her tears.

She never thought that she will have to live so miserably in her own house. Never thought that the dear ones will betray her.

Aiyana went to school with Cara the next day.She noticed that everyone's behavior towards her is not the same.
The news of Cara being the new heir is already published.

" Hey!! Nerdy little princess. Opps.. Sorry you are not a princess anymore. Cara is the princess. "- Mary ( Cara's best friend)

Aiyana couldn't say anything. She just ignored it and went to her classroom.
" Aiyana. Don't sit here. I have kept a space for someone. "
"Kate... I thought that we were best friends right ?"
" Oh!! Come on. Who wants to be the friend of a girl like you who owns nothing. If I sit with you my popularity will decrease. "
" Ugh!!! Get lost!! "

Aiyana walked and sat at the last bench.
After some classes it was lunch break. Aiyana went to the cafeteria.
She bumped into a girl.
"Hey!! Watch your steps!!! You little shit."
That girl spilled water on her.
"I am sorry."
" Ugh!!! Get lost"

Aiyana went to the restroom crying to clean her up.

In Aiyana's mind:

Were they being good to me only for me being the heir ? Now I don't have money that means I am nothing. While coming to school I was feeling good that maybe at least Kate would be at my side. But she also abandon me. Now I am all alone. All alone left here to suffer.....

School was over and they returned home.

"Hey! Go and clean the house." -Rene.
"Ok... Mam."

After going through all the storm at school , now she is again in another hell. A poor little soul being just helpless...

While she was cleaning she spilled a little but water on the carpet and
"You!!! Do you know how much it costs!!!" - Rene came and slapped Aiyana.

The carpet her father bought and someone asks her how much it costs for spilling water on it. Life is sometimes funny!!! Love sometimes gets fun by hurting the certain one.

After working the whole day, Aiyana was tired. She went to her room , the servants room.

In her mind :

Now I am getting to know what reality is. Shall I just quit ? If I just quit all the sufferings will end for once and all. I can also meet mom and dad.

Then she remembered her mom saying her last words, "You will not quit."
No.. No. I can't quit. Maybe one day the the sun will again rise. Maybe one-day the light will reach me. Maybe one-day I will again be the daughter of my mom and dad. I am not that weak to quit. I will just go with the flow....

Thinking all these she was drifted to sleep...

Author's Note:

Life is cruel and full of injustice, but not but the least it's easy to live when you are the real you....
                                                     - Kim Jeontugi
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Love you.
