Part 27

"Aiyana.. We just launched our first step in your project. Lets pray it is successful."
" Yes... I hope so. "
"Don't worry.. Mr. Aiyana White. It will be successful."
" Yeah...( Ugh! Whenever he calls me by this name i feel irritated. I don't like him calling it.... But why? We are business partners. That's what he should call me normally..)

After 3 days,

"Hello, Aiyana. Come to our office, quickly. I think your project hit it." -Mr. Kang.
"What???? Omg!!!. I am coming.."

Aiyana left a in out to  their own office.
"Aiyana, where are you going ?" -Emily
"Mr. Kang had called. maybe i made it...."
" Wowwwwww... Congrats. "
"Yep, I should go now."

Aiyana reached the office. Through out in the way her mind was full of different types of feelings. That if her project becomes successful then she can save her dad's company. She will be able to be again Aiyana Williams.
Those emotions had pain, hurt, happiness, proud, emptiness.... Everything. There is no name of these feelings.....

"Aiyana!! Congratulations dear. We are successful. The project broke the records."- Mr.Kang.
" I.. I... I did it ? Really? Now, i can be me ? Really "- Aiyana couldn't stop her tears.

" Dear, don't cry. We are successful. Let's celebrate. "-Mr. Kang.

Mr. Many was trying to comfort Aiyana but those had no impression on her. She was seeming just lost somewhere in her mind.

In her mind :

This is real ?.... Mom, dad, now I see a day of hope. Mom, dad, can I now be that little girl of yours ? Who always wanted to make a remark on the world. Can I know follow my dreams ? Can I now ...... These feelings... What are they ? I am feeling joy and pain, happiness and hurt. I feel complete also empty. What are these feelings......

David suddenly came and hugged Aiyana tightly. This time she did push him away. She was in need of a hug. She was crying on his shoulders.

After 6 months ,

" And the best new generation concept award goes to Ms. Aiyana White. Claps! "

Aiyana won that years best award for a new concept. She is now only behind a goal. Saving her dad's company.

Aiyana went on the stage to receive the award.

She grabbed the mic to say her speech.

" Thank you all induce again for choosing me for this place. I am new in the field of these. I surely have very less experience. But the way you all appreciated me was just too much. Thank you. I would like to say something to the young generation like me.

The world might sometimes seem to be too cruel or lost. You might feel lost. Sometimes we think nothing can be done. But the truth is the world may be cruel but is also beautiful. Just to find the beautiful things. We are all together.
If you are feeling lost then give yourself sometime to figure yourself out. If you are feeling like what you should do next and are confused then just close your eyes and follow the way you see In the dark. You will find your light when you open your eyes. Believe me. It works.
Thank you once again. "

Author's note:

Hi, how are you all ?

Here's a quote :

In a dark starry night I had lost me. But I am still wondering to find the last piece of my soul....
                              - Kim Jeontugi

Let me know what you remembered reading this.

Take care. Love you.💜
