Part 2

After recovering her health, she went back to her home. A home that once was called sweet home but now feels cold cause there was only one member in the house.
A 12 year old little teen in a home alone where there is no one by her side. It feels so cold and lonely.

Suddenly the bell rang.Aiyana opened the door. It was uncle Frank.
"Ohhh!!... My dear Aiyana. Are you okay ?"
" Uncle, what will happen to me ? I am absolutely fine. "
"Well, we have asked for a adoption to the law for you. Will you be our daughter ? "
"Uncle, what's the need of it ? I mean, I am happy here, I want to live here in my home."
" We won't take you away from this home. We can shift here. "
"But... "
"No buts, dear. Just sign the papers. Then you will be officially our daughter."
" I.. I... "
"Just sign dear. You trust us right ? Or shall I think you don't trust us ?"
" No... No uncle. I trust you. "
"Then sign them."

Aiyana signed the papers. Little did she know that she was welcoming her pains in the house. She was welcoming her suffering. She herself opened the path of pains towards her.

After , she signed the papers , uncle Frank left.

She has to now again live alone. She tried to cook food for her, but failed. There were servants but she wanted to be alone for sometime so they returned for a week.

The next day, the family of uncle Frank arrived at her house.

"Hello! Dear, Aiyana. We are here. "
"Ohh... Please come inside. Well, how are you, sis Cara ?"
"Better than you ." -Cara
"Uh.. Cara. Talk sweetly. She is your younger sister. You are 3 years elder than her."-Rene ( Cara's mother )
" Yeah.. Yeah. "- Cara.
"Come inside, please. I was waiting for you. "

The full family was here. Uncle Frank, aunt Rene and cousin cara.
They were behaving very sweetly towards her.

"Aiyana, dear. The adoption process needs your sign on this paper also. Can you please sign them? "
"But , uncle didn't I sign them yesterday? "
"Yeah. But also this paper need your sign. If you don't believe, you can read them."
" I believe you. "

Aiyana signed them like a innocent girls.
But behind those papers there was  a paper that would change her life. The paper of their transfer.

There was written :

I, Aiyana Anthony Williams transfer all my right, property,  business to Cara Williams. I no longer hold any right on this property or business.

She signed them without her knowledge.
She just finished signing the paper and Cara spoke,

"Aiyana!! I have roam around the house. I find your room the most pretty. I want to live in that room."

" Sure, sis. I would love to share my room with you. "

" Who the hell wants to share a room with you !! I just let you know that. Now get your stupid belongings out of my room!!!!!'

"But, sis.. That's my room."
" But no longer yours!! Get lost "

"Aiyana, can't you hear what my princess said? Get you things out of the room or shall I throw them out ?" -Rene.

"Aunt... You.... But ... Did I do something wrong that you are angry on me?"

" No one is giving you explanation here. We are giving you orders and you are gonna follow them or else you are doomed."-Rene.

"But it is my house and why am I to take these ?"
" Well, well. It was your house. But not anymore. Didn't you just transfer it in the name of my daughter? "-Frank.

" What?!!... Wait.. Those papers... No.. Uncle I trusted you. "

" And I betrayed you. Simple!!. Now get lost. If you want to stay in this house then follow our orders. "

"But, you adopted me "

"Who wants to adopt a grown up orphan like you ." -Rene.
' Orphan' the word but Aiyana's heart. Her heart had started to crack.

"Then those adoption papers. If you mistreat me then according to the adoption law it's a crime."

" Well. We didn't adopt you. That was fake papers. So legally, you don't have any right to stay here. Stop we pity you. Be thankful that we are letting you stay here. "-Frank.

" Uncle.... "- Aiyana cried out.
" Oh!! Stop this melodrama. Your mom, dad left. Why are you even alive being a burden?!!! "- Rene.

'Burden ' the word hit her hard.

Aiyana ran to the closest room near her.

" Mom, dad. Why did you left me here? Why did you leave me alone ? To have the title of being an Orphan, an Burden. Mom I need my hugs, dad I need you to protect me. You promised me that you will always protect me and be my super hero. I need you my superhero. I need a tight hug, Mom. I need you both. Please come back or take me with you. Please.... Someone... Please.... Mom I'm cold . I need warmness, I am feeling lovely. Something inside me is hurting. Dad, I am falling apart. Please save me. Dad help me. It's hurting... It's very painful.... I.. I... don't want to continue anymore. "
Aiyana had fallen asleep while crying....

Author's Note:
It's my first time writing these kind of book. I don't know how much I am able to express and describe.
Shall I continue it ? Please let me know.

Here's a fact:

"Trust is like glass. Once it's broken it is hard to join it. But still you join it and if it again breaks it is broken forever. "
                                                                                       -Kim Jeontugi
Drop out what you remembered reading it.

Take care. Love you.😘

Note:  As I said. This facts are written by me. Feel free to use them, but don't steal them . At least give me my credit.😉😄
                                                                    - Kim Jeontugi.
