Part 30

The next day, Aiyana left very early in the morning.
She went to the police station to re-open the case of the accident.

"Officer, i want to re-open a car accident."
"Which one ?"
"The case of Anthony Williams and Jessie Williams."
"Wait.. let me check.."

After some moments,

"Yes, i found the file. But why do you want to re-open the case and how are you related to it ? If i am not mistaken, you are Aiyana White, who brought the company A and J. The owner whose accident case you want to re-open."

"I have my personal reasons for what I want to re-open the case. As you need a cause to re-open the case, write it, according to me it was a complete planned murder and they suppressed the matter with the name of accident. "

"Oh... Ok. Do you suspect anyone ?"
" They were business personalities. They can have a lot of enemy, even their own brother. So I want the best officer here to look in to the matter. "
"Ok, we will see and let you know."

Aiyana Left from the police station and went to a coffee shop near by.

"Aiyana!!! ..."
"David... "
"Hi ! How are you ?"
" Good. "
"Once you left for your company you didn't contact me anymore. How are you this days ?"

"Why do I need to contact you ? If I have to then I can contact Mr. Kang. If I have something then it is with him about work. I have nothing to say to you..."

" Yeah..... I understand... "
"If you understand then why do you still bother me...?"

" I know you still haven't completely forgiven me... And I know I am guilty and I have no excuse. It's just I am always here...... "
"Yeah.... Please I want to stay alone for some time..."

" Oh... Ok"

David left and Aiyana was looking at him till he disappeared cause she was hoping that he not to go.

In Aiyana's mind:

He really left... Well,I told him to.... Whatever it is why did my heart felt good seeing him... Why did I wanted him to stay.... I know I may have succeeded to save the company it at the end of the day, I am alone......

Aiyana then started to search into the case . She talked with her personal detective and also to find the driver of the truck.

She was going through the old papers and files to find evidence against Frank and Rene. Suddenly her phone rang,

"Miss white . I have found the driver of the truck..." - detective.
"What!.. Where! I am coming..."

Aiyana quickly went there. When she reached there she found that a middle are man .

"He lives here. He has been hiding here for the past 10 years."

" Why ? Why did you kill my parents ? Huh! What did they do to you ! Who told you to do so ?!! "

"I.. I.. Didn't kill them. I was forced. They paid me for it. "

" I can't tell you that... But I am now guilty. "

"If you are guilty then you have to help me catch the culprit. Or I will simply hand you over to the police and then you can say."
" No no, please don't hand me over to the police. I will do what you say. But please you have to promise nothing will happen to me. They.. They will kill me... "
"I promise."

Author's note:
Hi! How are you ?

Here's a fact:

Evil might also have a story worth telling. Just need is the heart of a pure angel to listen to that story... "
-Kim Jeontugi

Let me know what you remembered reading this.

Take care. Love you.
