Part 7

Aiyana is continuing her education while also through internet she keeps herself updated about what is happening in her dad's company.
She is quiet heart-broken seeing the stocks going down one by one. The company is slowly losing it's powers. Although the company is in her uncle's hand, it's her dad's dream which is falling apart in front of her and she can't do anything.

Grandma Mrs.white treats her as her own child. She supports Aiyana very much.

"Grandma, where is your family ?"
" Dear, after telling me your story now you want me to tell you mine ? "
"Just... Curious."

"Actually, I don't have a family. I once had. I lived with my parents and married the man of my dreams. But it's fate that I was infertile. My husband used to love me very much so n didn't leave me but rather supported me. He was diagnosed with cancer at last stage 20 years ago and died after a year. Since then I live alone."

" Ohh ... Grandma, I am really sorry to hear that. "
"It's ok, dear."

"Don't worry, grandma. You have me now and you are not living alone anymore."

" You have me too, dear. "

Then grandma hugged Aiyana.

At school,

"Hey! Aiyana."
" What? David.. "
"Why are you so insecure to trust people. We can just be friends."
" it's none of your business. Leave me alone. "
"Come on."
" Ughhh!!!... "

Aiyana went to her class.

"Hey!!! You nerdy bitch!! You behaved rudely to me. I give you another chance. Say sorry to me."

" Get lost if you again don't want to make a fool out of yours. "

"You!! Girls hold her. Today I will show her, who she is trying to mess up with."

Some girls held Aiyana by hand. But Aiyana knew karate. She punched a girl. Others then got afraid.

Still they were again going to attack her, then

"Hey! Stop." - David.
"David, why are you saving this nerd?"
"Camila, can you stop ring a bully?

" what are you saying!?? I am a bully? She pushed me last day and I am the bully?? " - Camile

"Well, if you didn't try to bully her at first she wouldn't had pushed you. Now say sorry to her."

"But.. I didn't. She.."- Camile

" Camile, say sorry!! "- David.
" Sorry, Aiyana. "

Then David took Aiyana to classroom.

In Camile's mind :

I will see you, Aiyana. David is mine and you are not taking him away from me. I said sorry so David doesn't think me as bad .

In the classroom:

"Yahh!! Who told you to save me?"
" Do you even know what you were doing ? "
"What ?"

" Camile is the school diva. You are screwed if you piss her off. "
"I am not scared of anyone."

" I am not telling you to be scared. But I am just warning you. "

"Come on. I have seen many like her. Nothing is going to happen to me and I can protect me. Now go and leave me alone."

" Fine!! "

After school,

"Aiyana, are you ?" - Grandma.
"I am...."

" you don't look so. Something happened in school? "
"Ahh!! You know... Melodramatic bullies."

" Oh! I understand. Don't be afraid dear. Don't let them bully you. Fight back. Show them they are playing with fire. "

"I am not afraid of them. It's just I don't like being this bad but I have you."
" I understand dear. But you have to be strong to fight "
"Yup.. Grandma."

In Aiyana's mind:

After a long time, someone stood up for me. Although I don't like him but he did something that no one did after mom and dad left.

At school,

"Hey! Aiyana."
" What? "
"So we are friends now ?"
" You won't stop nagging right ? "
"I won't until you agree."
" If I never agree. "I
" Come on , I saved you last day. "
"Did I tell you to save me?"
" please... "
"Fine... But keep distance. We are just friends."
" I agree... "
"Now go... (he is funny)."

After the school ended,

"Hey! Let's go home together."
" No!.. I can go on my own. "

"We just became friends and now you are talking to me like that."

" I had warned you before, don't be my friend it you insisted. "
"What can I say ..."

" this puppy face is not gonna work on me. I can go on my own and you go to your house. "

Then Aiyana went home.

Earlier she used to hate going back to her home where her aunt Rene would always be ready with something to taunt her or hit her.
But she likes going back to home. Cause she knows that someone is waiting for her, waiting for her to return home safely....

Author's Note:

Actually I am a little but confused. Are you all enjoying it ? Please let me knew.

Here a fact:

Sometimes when you are in pain due to the dear ones, some strangers come like an angel to heal you.
                                                          - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this.

I want to tell you are not alone. We are here.
PM me if you need someone to talk to.
Mental health is important.🙂

Love you. Take care ❤.
