Part 21

"Aiyana,wake up. We are gonna be late!!" - Emily.
"Yup, just a moment."
"You again were awake last night, right ? How many times do i tell you not to work overnight!"
"I know."
"Whenever I ask go you say that you are doing a research. What do you research so much ?!"
"I have things, Emily. You won't understand... Now don't start a lecture on the morning, we have another lecture at the versity "
" Yeah.. Now go and get ready. "

In Aiyana's mind:

The shares of the company is continuously going down. The company is just existing in the name long ago dad made.
The company is no more that one that once shook the world. I have to save it. I have to take back what is mine and also again establish dad's dream. But I need a full-proof plan for it..... Researching over night is not also helping me. I need to think of something....

2 years have past. Aiyana is now a university student. She is completing her studies and also on a side trying different things to set her own career. So she can take a turn back at her company and rights she lose once...

Isabella, Emily and and she , three of them stays to together in a apartment.... After staying together for almost 4 years they still don't know Aiyana's past. Whenever they ask her, why she is so deep but wears a mask of being the butterfly... There is just a answer.
"You will know when the time is right..."

Aiyana is completing her studies with the money of her scholarship. As a good student she got it. Still she does online works....

Right now, she is trying to break a password everyday. Password of all the inner information of A and J corporation. She needs them to turn the tables again.

Author's Note:

I try to give an update everyday. Can I please get your support ! I feel discouraged when you don't reply....

Love you. Take care.
