Part 22

"Aiyana!!! What is this ?" -Emily.
"Ummm.... Nothing.." - Aiyana quickly closed he laptop.

"Although, i don't know that much about these things like online works and all, laptops. But surely can understand this much that you are trying to hack into something."

"Emily, I... I am not doing anything illegal. You can rest assured. I... I will tell you when the time is right .."

" Aiyana, I have always trusted you and waited till you are comfortable enough to share with me. But it's seriously 4 years. Is it still not enough ? I never want to harm you. But I can never think you in any kind of danger. Observing all this years, I surely know that you are going to do something but we can't imagine. But do you know everytime , everything can't be done alone. "


" It's okay if you want to complete your works and goals alone but I just want to stand by you. I don't want you to be in any kind of danger. No matter what you say, maybe you are trying do something good by hacking this, but it is still illegal. I won't say anymore. Still if you think, you can't share with me, maybe I was not enough trustworthy... "- Emily was about to leave, Aiyana spoke-

" I am trying to hack into a company that was supposed to be mine and my family's.... "

"What? You company! Aiyana, when we meet you you said your family is in USA... I am confused."

" The whole story I had told your was a made up thing by me. I didn't wanted my past to reflect my future. So I just buried everything deep inside my heart.... "

"You know if you push too hard to bury, the soil might not accept it and you might get hurt... So tell me..."

" You know the once upon a time famous A and J company ? "
"Yeah, I had heard. My dad told me long ago. The owner died with his wife in a accident. But as far as I know the company is now not that powerful. As it won no awards in last 10 years."

" is this much you know? Don't you know the heir of the family survived? Know her name ? "- Aiyana's eyes were filled with tears.
" Yeah, I heard. What was her name .... Aiy..... Wait!!!! She had the same name as you. Aiyana. "
" You are trying to hack into that company and it was yours. Don't tell me you are Aiyana Williams. You are not,right ? "
"If I say I am. If I say all my rights were snatched. If I say I have faced the cruel things one can ever face. If I say I escaped cause my own uncle tried to force on me? Then..."
" Aiyana.... "
"I was a little flower which was cut down and smashed till it would not exist. I am just trying to make the flower alive again. To grow it again..."

Aiyana told her everything. But except David's part. She told her that she just escaped once. She didn't know why just thinking of him a little pain would be alive. Maybe it's true first love is always unforgettable and unforgivable......

"Aiyana, I could not even imagine you faced So much.... I thought there was something going on it never in my dreams I could think that. You... You faced somethings that a little flower like you couldn't take. But you fought. You are a fighter."
"Yeah... Fighter Forever....."

" Don't worry now I am also going to be with you. I might be no help to you but am willing to share your stress. I still remember how you helped me when I was down... "
"No problem. We are together.."

Author's Note:

Here's the fact :

Although we sometimes fight alone, but at times we all need that someone just to hug us and say that it's all okay. But you know a harsh truth ? ..... Some people don't even have that....
                        -Kim Jeontugi

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