Your Parents

Rokudo opened his eyes to see he wasn't in the arena anymore but in the forest outside of Konoha, he groans slowly getting up holding his head in pain "Koin" said a familiar female voice, Rokudo looked up to see the Pain and Konan.

Rokudo quickly got up kunai in hand as he got in a battle stand "What is this!? who are you!? and why do you keep calling me Koin?!" asked Rokudo "Oh right, you don't know who we are yet" said Konan "Why don't you try to guess who we are" said Pain as he rests his hand on Konan's shoulder. Rokudo looked at both of them as he slowly put down his kunai "I'm asking the questions here!! Answer the question?!" he asked, Konan smiles at him "I was the one that named you," said Konan, Rokudo looked at her "What?" asked Rokudo.

"I was the one who named you, you are our son after all," said Konan. "Your son?" asked Rokudo as he dropped his kunai as he started to shake while he looked at them.

"That's right, we are your-" Pain didn't finish as Rokudo ran and hugged them tightly while crying.

Konan and Pain smiled as they both hugged him back.

