
As the gate opens, Rokudo ran straight into the forest "First, got to find Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura" Rokudo told himself as kept running making sure he didn't set off any traps, run into any other teams, and run into any dangerous animals, plants, or insects.


"Hey guys!" called Rokudo finally seeing them, the three turned around hearing his voice, Sakura lit up seeing Rokudo "Nii-san!!" said Sakura happily, Sasuke smirks, and Naruto had a huge smile on his face as Rokudo landed in front of them "Let's get going, we can't stay here or the other's will find us" said Rokudo, the three nodded in agreement and started walking through the forest.

As they kept walking they soon hear someone screaming "Did you guys hear someone...screaming?" asked Sakura as she was shaking a bit "This place is creeping me out!" Sakura held on to Rokudo's arm "I'm telling you, Sakura, it's no big deal" said Naruto calmly, Rokudo looked at Naruto as he walked to a bush "I gotta take a leak" said Naruto as he unzips his zipper "Not in front of me, bozo! I'm a lady! use the bushes!!!" yelled Sakura as she hits Naruto's head, Rokudo just sighs not saying anything as Naruto walks behind a bush to do his business.

"Oh, man! what a relief! feein' good now!" said Naruto as he placed his hand on his member making Sakura even madder, "I told you, you're in the presence of a lady! don't be vul-'' Sakura didn't finish yelling at Naruto as Rokudo ran in front of Naruto and punched him to a tree "Nii-san...I appreciate the chivalry, but that was way over the top" said Sakura shocked at her brothers actions, Naruto glares at him while wiping some blood from his mouth "Wh-what was that for?!!" asked Naruto "What have you done with Naruto?" asked Rokudo glaring at him "Um, what?" asked Sakura confused on what Rokudo was saying.

"You're wearing you shuriken throwing stars on your left thigh, Naruto's right handed and you forgot the cut that Naruto got from the proctor just before the exam, you're even worse at disguise jutsu than the real Naruto" explained Rokudo still glaring at him, a puff of smoke appeared around Naruto "Since you've forced me to come clean, why don't you do the same? which one of you three has the scroll?!" yelled a Rain Ninja as he jumps out of the smoke "Unfortunately you've forced me to be direct!" the Rain Ninja yells as he jumps away "Sasuke!" Rokudo called, Sasuke nods, jumps up and does his hand sign for his fire jutsu before blowing the fire at the Rain Ninja, using his speed Rokudo tries to attack the Rain Ninja but the Rain Ninja attacks back.

The Rain Ninja starts to run away and Rokudo and Sasuke went after him "Sasuke!! Rokudo!!" yelled Naruto as he was on the floor tied up "Go help Naruto, I'll get the Rain Ninja!!" yelled Rokudo, Sasuke nods and runs down to Naruto as Rokudo went after the Rain Ninja "You left an opening, lucky me!!" yelled the Rain Ninja as he threw a kunai, Rokudo used his speed to go under a tree but his eyes widened when there was a paper bomb attached to the kunai. Rokudo used his arms to shield himself as the bomb went off, Rokudo fell to the ground groaning in pain, his jacket sleeves were covered in some ripped holes and covered in dirt "Better and better, one false move and I'll kill you, now hand over the scroll!" demanded the Rain Ninja as he was on top of Rokudo with a kunai aimed at his neck "Nii-san!!" yelled Sakura, scared for Rokudo.

Sasuke and Naruto ran to Rokudo and the Rain Ninja, Sasuke threw a kunai making the Rain Ninja jump to a tree and run "You're not getting away that easy!" yelled Naruto, Rokudo got up, and ran after the Rain Ninja, he ran after him and stabbed the Rain Ninja in the arm "Rokudo!" yelled Sakura "He gave me no choice! now move! we don't know where his friends are! Did you get that? keep standing there, and you'll end up dead!!!" yelled Rokudo in anger as him and the Rain Ninja separate. Rokudo fell on his knees tired while the Rain Ninja ran away "Nii-san!" yelled Sakura as her, Sasuke, and Naruto ran to him "I'm okay, I'm sorry I yelled at you" said Rokudo as he looked at Sakura "It's okay nii-san, you were just trying to protect me" said Sakura as Rokudo lands on her chest with Sakura catching him.


"Remember this, if we get separated again we can't trust each other blindly! it could end up the way this did!" said Sasuke "But what can we do?" asked Sakura as she held onto Rokudo helping him stand up "The safest thing is for us to have a secret password, that way we'll know, no matter who they look like or how they sound, if one of us gets that wrong, they're an enemy, listen very carefully, I'll say it only once, it's a poem called "Ninki"-"Ninja Opportunity" when I ask for it, here's what you respond-"

"We thrive in the chaos of the enemy tide. Quiet shinobi don't need dens to hide. Our only concern is to watch and wait until the enemy lowers the gate."

"Bingo!" Sakura nodded "Got it," said Rokudo, Naruto looked at Sasuke confused "And you expect me to remember that...HOW?!" asked Naruto "You are such a dunce, me and nii-san already got it down!" said Sakura "We need a better password! How about "Swordfish"?" asked Naruto "I'll take the scroll," said Sasuke, ignoring Naruto.

Soon a gush of wind appeared out of nowhere "A new enemy?!" yelled Sasuke as the four got separated by the strong wind, Rokudo was soon knocked out as his head hit a tree root on the ground.

"Stick around, you two, it could be fun! I'll go in alone"
