Let The Battle Begin

"Please take care of Naruto," said Rokudo "He's worn himself out, I doubt he'll be able to move for the rest of the day," said Kakashi-sensei "We're off, Tsunami," said Tazuna as they started walking to the bride "Bye," said Tsunami as she was waving with a smile on her face.


As the five made it to the bridge, Rokudo noticed that it was really misty but kept walking until all their eyes widened in shock, in front of them were bodies of Tazuna's comrades, Tazuna ran to one of the bodies "What happened?!!" yelled Tazuna "M-monster" they murmur under their breath.

As they said that more mist came out of nowhere too, Rokudo grabbed a kunai while staying by Sasuke's side "They're coming!!" yelled Kakashi-sensei as they got in a circle in a battle stand while holding kunai's protecting Tazuna "Kakashi-sensei is this...? That man we met...his "Hiding In The Mist" technique...isn't it?" asked Sakura, Rokudo looked to see Sasuke was shaking, Rokudo was about to comfort Sasuke when they heard a voice.

"Been a while, Kakashi...and I see you've got those brats tagging along, just like last time and the little boy is trembling again, poor thing..."

As Zabuza finished speaking water clones of Zabuza appear around them "I'm shaking with eagerness for a rematch!" said Sasuke with a smirk as he stopped shaking, Rokudo smirked with him agreeing tightly holding his kunai, Kakashi-sensei gave them both a closed-eyed smile "Go ahead, Sasuke and Rokudo" said Kakashi-sensei. In one blink of an eye, Sasuke and Rokudo used their speed to kill all the water clones.

"Well! My water clones were obviously no match for the two of you! It seems the brats have matured quite a bit...into worthy rivals, eh, Haku?" asked Zabuza as the same masked boy was next to him "Indeed" said the masked boy known as Haku "Looks like I was right" said Kakashi-sensei until he looked to see Haku "Our mysterious masked friend is playing on Zabuza's team" "He has nerve, showing up like this!" yelled Tazuna with anger.

"That one is ours" said Rokudo pointing at Haku with his kunai "That was quite a show you put on before, but we're on to you now and I hate ham actors!" said Sasuke as he stands next to Rokudo "Sasuke-kun's so cool!!" said Sakura forgetting about her twin brother "Impressive kids, aren't they? Even if your water clones have only a tenth of the strength of the originals, it's amazing they were able to do so well" said Haku "But we're still on the offensive, GO!" Zabuza demanded "Yes, sir," said Haku as he vanishes in the mist, in one blink of an eye Haku was in front of Sasuke about to strike but Rokudo got in front of Sasuke and used his kunai to shield Haku's attack.
