Koin vs Gaara

Temari and Kankuro ran through the trees as Kankuro was carrying Gaara before they were stopped by two figures "You three aren't getting away that easy" said Koin with a smirk with Sasuke next to him also smirking.

Sasuke next to him also smirking.

"Temari, take Gaara and go on ahead!" ordered Kankuro as he gave Gaara to Temari and pulled out his puppet from behind his back "All right..." said Temari as she ran ahead "I suppose we have no choice...I'll take you on!" said Kankuro "No...! I will be your opponent...!" said a voice. The three looked at a nearby tree to see Shino "You're..." "Shino..." said Koin interrupting Kankuro "What are you doing here?!" asked Sasuke, Shino pointed at Sasuke's shoulder, Koin and Sasuke looked to see bugs on Sasuke's shoulder "Before you went with Koin, I had my beetles mark you with a female scent. Even though it is almost odorless...the male of the same species can still detect it...Koin...Uchiha Sasuke...chase after Gaara...I'll fight this one...especially since I was supposed to have been his opponent in the first place" said Shino.

Koin and Sasuke looked at him "Leave him to me. Go!" yelled Shino "...you sound pretty confident, are you sure about this?" asked Koin "I don't need your concern...give me 10 minutes, and I'll come help you two" said Shino, Koin and Sasuke nodded in agreement before going after Temari and Gaara. 


"...Let me down...Temari..." said Gaara finally speaking "You've come to, Gaara!?" said Temari before she stopped on a tree branch. Gaara started to groan in pain as Temari looked at him worried "Temari, get away from here..." said Gaara "Huh?!" asked Temari confused "Just hurry up and get out of here! you're in the way!" yelled Gaara pushing Temari into another tree. Gaara looked up to see Koin and Sasuke before he started to groan in pain cracks appearing on his pale skin "...I don't know what you sand shinobi are plotting, but...you, I'm going to stop!" said Koin "Besides...I want to see what you really are..."

"You who are strong...who are called Koin...who have friends...a lover...and have a purpose...just like me...by killing you...I'll erase all of that...and then I will truly exist...and I can feel alive!!" yelled Gaara as he started to transform, his hand transforming into a huge claw, and half his face transforming half into a beast shocking Koin and Sasuke.

"Sasuke, I want you to get away from here" said Koin, Sasuke looked at him "What?! No!! I won't let you fight him alone!!" yelled Sasuke before Koin pushed him off the tree as Gaara leaped attacking Koin creating an explosion breaking the tree branch "Koin!!" yelled Sasuke as paper grabbed him and took him to another tree away from the battle.

Koin was behind the same tree coughing from the smoke, his shoulder bleeding from a deep claw scratch "Do you fear me? Koin! Do you fear my existence...?!!" roared Gaara, Koin didn't answer as he quickly bandaged his shoulder to stop the bleeding "Have both your hatred intent to kill...wavered because of your fear? is this pitiful extent of your existence?" roared Gaara. Koin got up paper flying around him. "If you want an answer...COME ON!!" roared Gaara as he leapt for the attack, Koin didn't move an inch as he lifted his hand up, the paper forming into a spear. 

He threw the paper spear stabbing Gaara's claw making him scream in pain, Koin quickly jumped to another tree as Gaara landed on the tree Koin was standing on. Gaara started to laugh like an insane person "I see!...so that's what that was!" yelled Gaara as he looked at the paper spear stabbed in his claw "No way...Koin made a spear out of paper that fast and it hurt Gaara even though it was paper?!" asked Temari, shocked and shaking while watching.

"...I just realized...why...I'm enjoying myself so!" said Gaara, Koin looked at him not answering "This pain...if I can defeat one strong enough to wound me, rob him of all that he is...I'll even feel even more alive than ever!" roared Gaara as he laughed, Koin smirked at him "More, I want more!" yelled Gaara as he pulled out the paper spear, the wound quickly healing as a tail appeared behind Gaara shocking Koin and Temari.

"Ready for me?!!" asked Gaara before leaping at Koin, Koin didn't have enough time to dodge or block as Gaara uses his claw to strike Koin his back hitting a tree making him cough out blood. Gaara's claws spread around each grabbing a tree branch using them to swing to Koin going even faster. The paper around Koin quickly folded to shurikens, the paper shurikens spun around before Koin made a throwing motion, the shurikens attacking Gaara, stabbing his claw.

Gaara slashes the tree making Koin move to another tree, his head hitting the tree, he looks at Gaara his vision blurry as he slowly feels unconscious "Is this all your existence is worth? let me tell you...you're weak!! 'cuz you're naïve...and your strength is not strong enough!!" roared Gaara as he leapt to attack Koin, but in one quick move Sasuke got in front of Koin his arms wide open protecting Koin.

Before Gaara struck a figure came out of the trees kicking Gaara away from Sasuke and Koin.
