Fight Me

  Rokudo and Sasuke walked back to camp when they saw a figure with Naruto and Sakura "An enemy...?!" Rokudo yells in his head but he then soon relaxes when he sees the figure was Kabuto.


"...You're hopeless! we can't turn our back on you for one minute!" Sasuke scolded as Rokudo sights "That was close" said Kabuto in relief "I-I'm sorry" said Sakura looking down, Naruto nodded agreeing as he also looked down.

""Those who disobey the rules will find themselves in a situation where they will be forced to withdraw from the exam." Last time I took this test everyone who peeked at the scrolls was hit in the eye with a jutsu of hypnosis the moment they looked inside, they all lay unconscious here in the Forest of Death until after the Exam was over'' explained Kabuto "Your name is Kabuto, isn't it? What are you doing here wandering around by yourself" asked Sasuke, Kabuto looked at him "Well...I wasn't after your scroll, if that's what you're implying" said Kabuto "Probably not...or you could have just stolen it from Naruto right now" said Rokudo as he was standing next to Sasuke.

"But you're after the Heaven Scroll, too, aren't you?" asked Sasuke "Nope...I've already got a set. But I got separated from my team. I'm on my way to join up with them at the Tower now" said Kabuto as he showed Sasuke his Heaven and Earth scroll "See you around" said Kabuto as he was starting to walk away "Wait!!" Sasuke yells, Kabuto stopped walking and looked back at him "Fight me" said Sasuke glaring at him.

"Fight you...?!" asked Kabuto confused, Sasuke didn't say anything as he kept glaring at Kabuto "Sasuke-kun...!!" said Sakura "Have you lost your mind?!" Naruto yells pointing at Sasuke, Rokudo didn't say anything as he looked at Sasuke "Are you joking?" asked Kabuto "I wish I were...but our time is almost up" said Sasuke as he kept glaring at Kabuto "Sasuke, think!! Kabuto just saved our butts, you know!!!" yelled Naruto "I...I'm sorry, Sasuke-kun, but I think Naruto is right" said Sakura "Shut up...!!" said Sasuke "If Sasuke wants to fight, let him fight, it's his choice not ours" said Rokudo making Naruto and Sakura look at him.

"There's no way. I tried to warn you before. Challenging him is the only way we'll be out of the forest in time to pass this test" said Sasuke as he kept glaring at Kabuto "That's a lie" said Kabuto shocking the four of them "...A lie...?" asked Naruto confused "How is it a lie?" asked Rokudo "You're more interested in making a big gesture than in reaching your goal..." said Kabuto, Rokudo looked at Sasuke.

"...Otherwise you wouldn't have run the risk of issuing that pretentious formal challenge, you put me on guard and assured yourself of a fair fight. If you were truly would have just blindsided me, that's what being a ninja is all about. I don't think less of you for being that way. In fact...let me show you...the path you should tread. But...let's move while we discuss it, the smoke from your fire and the aroma of those fish you roasted can be smelled for quite a distance. By now, every wild animal or enemy in the area must be moving in on us" said Kabuto as he started walking, Rokudo looked at the three before they all started following him. 
