The Team

After Naruto and Sasuke kissed, all of Sasuke's fangirls beat Naruto almost to a pulp before they all went to their seats, Sakura ended up sitting next to Sasuke. Iruka-sensei walks in the classroom holding a clipboard, Rokudo yawns sas Iruka-sensei starts to say a speech. Not long after Iruka-sensei smiles "We will begin by dividing you into three man cells, but sincewe have an even number, one team will have four members."

Sasuke's POV:

Three man cells? sounds like two too many...but I don't mind Rokudo-senpai on my team. I blush at the thought of Rokudo-senpai on my team. I hope he is on my team.

Sakura's POV:

It's perfect! I know they'll team me up with Sasuke-kun! but I hope that Rokudo isn't on my team! he'll just get in my way.

Naruto's POV:

So long as I'm partnered with Sakura and maybe Rokudo I'm ok with that as long as I'm not partnered with Sasuke!!

3rd POV:

"I made the selections so that each cell's abilities would be approximately equal" said Iruka-sensei holding the clipboard up with all the names and teams "WHAT!!!" everyone yelled as Iruka-sensei started callung out the teams.


"Team 7, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto..." Naruto cheered interrupting Iruka-sensei while Sakura made a gloomy face "...Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Rokudo" said Iruka-sensei finishing "WHAT!!!!?" both Naruto and Sakura yell at the same time Naruto jolting uo from his seat.

"Iruka-sensei!! what were you thinking of, saddling a most excellent shinobi like myself with that loser?!" asked Naruto pointing at Sasuke while Sakura glared at him, Iruka-sensei looked at Naruto "The idea is to balance your strengths...that's why you ended up together! of the twenty-eight fo you, Sasuke has the second bext grades, Naruto, you would be the bottom of the class" explained Iruka-sensei while the whole class started laughing at Naruto as he crossed his arms and sat back down.

Ino raised her hand "Yes Ino?" asked Iruka-sensei looking at her "If Sasuke-kun has the second best grades, who has the best grades?" Ino asked confused "That would be Haruno Rokudo" said Iruka-sense. Everyone looked at Rokudo with shock in their eyes while Sakura glared at him.

Sasuke's POV:

I can't believe it! Rokudo-senpai is on my team! Damn it I feel like one of my fangirls...screw it! Rokudo-senpai is on my team and I'll make sure he is mine!!
