
Naruto swings his kunai at Haku to kill him but Haku used his speed to grab Naruto's arm "I'm sorry Naruto! I can't die yet!!" said Haku as he did a few hand signs and vanished in the mist "What?" asked Naruto, shocked as the mist disappeared.


Kakashi-sensei ran to Zabuza with a chidori in hand "Wh-what the-!!" yelled Tazuna as Sakura screamed, Kakashi-sensei's eyes widened to see what was in front of him, it wasn't Zabuza but it was Haku.

Everyone's eyes widen seeing Haku in front of Zabuza "Zabuza...s-sir..." said Haku has he coughs out blood "You said my future was death..." said Zabuza as he chuckles evilly "You missed again, Kakashi"

"Haku...Where is he?" Naruto asks himself as he was looking around while the mist was fading away. Naruto and Sasuke ran to where the others were at, they both stopped as they saw Kakashi-sensei's hand through Haku's chest where his heart was "Isn't that the boy in the mask...?!" asked Tazuna, everyone was silent for a while. "That was brilliant...Haku" said Zabuza, Kakashi-sensei looked at Haku's lifeless dull eyes, Haku was dead. "Kakashi-sensei!!!" yelled Sakura as Zabuza was grabbing his sword "I REALLY DID FIND A TREASURE IN THAT GUTTER...TO THINK THAT HE'D GRANT ME THIS MARVELOUS CHANCE IN THE END!!" yelled Zabuza, Naruto was filled with rage, Zabuza swings his sword at Kakashi-sensei, but he grabs Haku's body and jumps far away from Zabuza.

Zabuza chuckles "So...you were able to get away...because poor Haku was already dead" said Zabuza as he chuckles, Naruto got even more angry and was about to attack him "Naruto...stay out of this!!" yelled Kakashi-sensei, he looked down at Haku using his hand to close Haku's eyes "This is my fight!!" said Kakashi-sensei as he glares at Zabuza.

"Naruto, Sasuke-kun. you're alive!!" yelled Sakura cheerful as Naruto and Sasuke looked at her "Huh? What about Rokudo? Naruto!! Sasuke!! Where's Rokudo?!!!" asked Sakura, panicking seeing Rokudo wasn't with them, Naruto and Sasuke tensed hearing his name, Naruto looked away and Sasuke looked down both trying not to cry again "FOCUS, KAKASHI! DON'T LET YOURSELF BE DISTRACTED!!!" yelled Zabuza as he ran to attack him.

Sakura stood still as she was in a panic state until Tazuna held her hand "...I'll stay with you, so that you won't be disobeying your sensei's order" said Tazuna, Sakura looked and him and nodded before the two ran past Naruto and Sasuke.
