It Begins

Before Sasuke and Gaara could go to the arena a gush of wind came out of nowhere, the leaves were flying in around in front of the Proctor. Everyone's eyes widened when the wind stopped, the leaves falling back to the ground to show a figure standing in front of the Proctor.

"I'm here"

"Nii-san!!" yelled Sakura filled with excitement, "I told you he'll make it!!" yelled Naruto smiling big.

"Sorry that I'm late..." said Rokudo as he showed no emotions to the Proctor.

"Your name?" asked the Proctor smirking "My name used to be Rokudo true name is Koin" said Rokudo known as Koin now, Sakura's smile soon faded while Lord Hokage's eyes widen "Let me guess, I lost by forfeit?" asked Koin "Don't worry, you're safe! I just announced your match was postponed. Your match wasn't forfeit" said the Proctor "Good" said Koins he takes off his jacket and throws it to the ground showing his black shirt.

"Hey, Sakura! your team's kinda pretty awesome--!" said Ino with a smile "Huh?" asked Sakura confused "I mean...I never imagined Naruto would beat up Hyuga Neji...and your brother's a strong shinobi everyone is itching to watch!" said Ino with a tint of blush on her cheeks as she looks at Koin.

"Akumu, come down" said the Proctor, as he said that Akumu jumped off from the stadium instead of using the stairs and landing on her feet "Long time Rokudo" said Akumu as she walks to the Proctor with a smirk, Koin smirks back at her "I could say the same to you too, Akumu...and it's Koin now, Rokudo is not my name anymore" said Koin with a smirk as paper form around his hands creating paper claws.
