Heaven Scroll

"Wh-what the--?! n-no way! when...? how did they...?!" the rain ninja ask as he panicked as they smirked at him "Suckers!! hey, guys...you're showing your tails...just like the dirty, double-crossing demon critters you are!" Naruto yells as Sasuke, Rokudo, Sakura, and Kabuto turn into Naruto's clones shocking the rain ninjas.

 "Pretty slick, eh? you were thinking the shadow clones were my whole act...but they were just a distraction...to keep you from noticing I was single-handedly impersonating my entire team!!" explained Naruto "And while he did that, we four sneaked up behind you... using Genjutsu to beat at your own game!" Sasuke said smirking. As Sasuke finished speaking Naruto fell on his knees confusing Naruto "You used too much of your chakra, we'll handle the rest" said Rokudo as he grabs his katana, but as he was about to attack them Naruto runs to them and punches all three shocking them.

"No way! I won't stand around and let you have all the fun!" said Naruto with a smirk on his face shocking them "...Naruto..." said Sakura "You do have some skill...however, that doesn't mean we're completely out of luck! but we're almost out of time! so we're going to demonstrate our own ninja skills!!" yelled the rain ninja as clones of them appear behind them "...Shadow doppelgangers...?" asked Naruto confused "No...just ordinary doppelgangers...but...there's got to be more to them than this...stay alert!" said Sasuke "Hah! if most of them are illusions...then there's just one solid body, I'll just plow right through them until I get to the real guy!" said Naruto as he was still smirking. 

"That's going to be a waste of time!" said Rokudo "Who asked you?!!" asked Naruto as he ran to the clones, Naruto tries to punch a clone but he went through the clone like it was a ghost "Naruto, stop!" yelled Kabuto but Naruto didn't listen to him as he tries to attack another clone "We don't have enough time for this!! We have to get to the tower!!" Rokudo says in his head as he closes his right eye, but then a huge wave of pain went through his body and he falls to his knees "Rokudo!" yelled Sasuke as he ran to him, his eyes widen when he saw the curse mark spreading through his neck "Rokudo, don't use the Rinnigan eye again!!" yelled Sasuke.

Naruto quickly turned around trying to see what was going on "Shame on you, letting your guard down like that" yelled the rain ninja as he was about to stab Naruto with his kunai, as he was about to stab Naruto Kabuto grabs him dodging the kunai but not before getting a cut on his arm "Kabuto...!" yelled Naruto as he looked to see Kabuto scraped his leg when they landed on the ground.

"All right, you--!!" "Don't bother, Naruto!" yelled Rokudo interrupting, Naruto looked at him confused "It's a waste of time. There are no real bodies among them for you to hit" said Rokudo "But illusions can't punch and stab, you know! so where are the real attacks coming from?!" asked Naruto "If we knew that, we wouldn't have to go through any of this!! the mystery is the essence of their attack!!!!" yelled Sasuke glaring at him.

Naruto fell on his knees feeling his legs give up "They seem to have reached their limits...how fortunate!" said the rain ninja as he was going to strike Naruto, but a kunai appeared from the ground striking Kabuto knocking his glasses off and planting a cut on his right cheek stopping at his nose "Kabuto!!" yelled Rokudo, but his eyes widen he saw the look in Kabuto's eyes. His eyes were full of anger like he was a different person.

Before the three rain ninjas could attack, Naruto ran and punches all three of them knocking them out "Hah! "Shame on you, letting your guard down like that"...sucker!" said Naruto smirking "Phew! thanks for the save, Naruto!" said Kabuto with a smile as Rokudo and Sasuke glared at him "Naruto, that was outstanding!!" cheered Sakura.

Rokudo got up as the curse mark stopped spreading "What happened...to your neck?! Are you wounded? that's one monster bruise!!" said Kabuto worried as he pointed at Rokudo's curse mark "...It's nothing, I'm fine" said Rokudo as he uses his hand to cover his curse mark while Sasuke glared at Kabuto


"Finally," said Rokudo with his arm around Sasuke's shoulder as they were in front of the tower "Huh?...oh, it's you guys...you're late, Kabuto!" said one of Kabuto's teammates "Sorry, I ran into a little trouble," said Kabuto "But it's all good! thanks, to you, our group has a full set of scrolls, same as you do!" said Naruto scratching behind his neck "Don't thank me. You earned them. The way you came through, in the end, was amazing, Naruto" said Kabuto with a smile, Sasuke glared at him.

"This is the door we went through. Good luck, everyone. Give it your best!" said Kabuto still with a smile "Yeah!" said Naruto as he smiles as at Kabuto before he, Sakura, Rokudo, and Sasuke walked in the tower.
