The Giant Snake

"What do you think you're doing?!" asked Rokudo glaring at Naruto "Naruto...what are you...?" asked Sakura as her and Sasuke watch "I forgot the stupid I can't prove it...but this so called Rokudo is obviously a fake!" yelled Naruto "What?" asked Sakura confused as she looked at Rokudo "Naruto, baka! I'm me!" yelled Rokudo glaring at him "That's bull!" Naruto yells back, the man looks at them as he smirks.

"And you're the idiot, idiot! you're a coward, which Rokudo isn't, so you're not him! I'm not so sure we need to be afraid of this guy and even if you did hand over your scroll, there's no guarantee he'd spare us! so even if you were Rokudo, I'd still be telling you you're an idiot and maybe a chicken, too!" yelled Naruto glaring at Rokudo "Oh, Naruto! This is rich! and you're right!" said the man, smirking, licking his lips with his long tongue, Rokudo looked at the man shocked.

"Why bargain when I can simply kill you and take the scroll?" asked the man as he pulled up his sleeve to show tattoo-like markings on his arms, he bit his thumb making it bleed, he soon made a line in the middle on his markings "Shut up!" yelled Naruto as he ran to the man not realizing wind blowing around them "Naruto!!!" yelled Rokudo, but Naruto ignored him and kept running to the man, the wind blew around the man as he was now standing on a giant snake, the snake then used its head to hit Naruto making him fly through some tree branches as he coughs out blood.

"Naruto!!" Rokudo, Sasuke, and Sakura yell at the same time "Excellent, but let's not take chances, eat the boy!" the man ordered the snake "I have to save Naruto!!" yelled Rokudo in his head as he tried to move but for some reason he couldn't "EAT SNOT, SUCKER!!" yelled Naruto as he punched the giant snake to the ground shocking everyone "I never seen Naruto with all that power!" Rokudo thought still shocked "And it's Rokudo's turn next! how will he take it?!" asked the man as the snake now attacked Rokudo "Nii-san!!" yelled Sakura.

Rokudo struggled to move away from the giant snake attack but Naruto got in front of him making the snake stop almost hitting Rokudo "Hey, are you big chicken?" asked Naruto as he looks at him, but instead of his sky blue eyes it was the nine tails eyes and his whiskers were even deeper than before.
