The Attack

"Kakashi! this is...!" said Guy-sensei as everyone in the stadium started to fall asleep "Yeah...Genjutsu!!" said Kakashi-sensei "Kai! Release!!" yelled Guy-sensei as him and Kakashi-sensei as they released the Genjutsu that was on them while Sakura and Sasuke did the same.

Lord Hokage looked at Lord Kazekage while Lord Kazekage did the same "Shall we get going...?" asked the Kazekage as two sand ninja's activated smoke bombs in front of Lord Hokage and Lord Kazekage. Koin, Akumu, Guy-sensei, Kakashi-sensei quickly looked to see the smoke around Lord Hokage and Lord Kazekage.

Outside of Konoha Village there was a huge explosion until three giant snakes came out destroying the Konoha wall and destroying the village.

"Cell A above! Cell B below...protect the Lords and Nobles!" ordered Anbu as him and the other three Anbu went to Lord Hokage and Lord Kazekage until the two Sand Ninjas came out of the smoke going to attack the Anbu "Out of the way..." said the Anbu easily killing the two Sand ninja's.

There was soon a scream getting the Anbu, Akumu, Koin, Guy-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, and Sasuke's attention. Two figures jumped out of the balcony as Anbu landed in front of the balcony, the two figures now on the roof to show Lord Kazekage with his arm around Lord Hokage's neck and a kunai aimed at him "After them!!" yelled the Anbu as they jumped to the roof when four figures jumped on the roof to the four corners.

"Do it..." ordered Lord Kazekage, the four ninja's made a few hand signs and a huge barrier formed around them. An Anbu hit the barrier but was soon caught on fire "'s a barrier...!" yelled Anbu in defeat as they were in front of the barrier.

"So he's the one who performed the Genjutsu..." said a leaf ninja "So it would appear..." said a second leaf ninja. "There was a ninth traitor..." said Guy-sensei as he and Kakashi-sensei looked at the two leaf ninja's.

"I never imagined Sand would betray Konoha..." said Lord Hokage "Treaties are merely smokescreens to lull the other party into relaxing their guard. This pitiful pretend competition is now over...from here on out, history will be made..." said Lord Kazekage "Are you you inciting war?!" asked Lord Hokage "Indeed" answered Lord Kazekage "Let us avoid violence and instead reach a settlement through negotiation...Lord Kazekage. There is still time for that..." said Lord Hokage "Old age has made you feeble-minded...Sarutobi-sensei!!" said Lord Kazekage, Lord Hokage looked at him shocked.

