Tazuna The Bridge Builder

"How far away is the target?" asked Kakashi-sensei talking in the earpiece microphone as he was hiding behind a tree.

"Five meters and closing! so...how much longer are we gonna wait?!"

"Stop shouting Naruto, you'll make me go deaf"

"I'm in position"

"So am I"

"All right! GO!" said Kakashi-sensei as the four ran to the target "GOTCHA!!!" yelled Naruto as he grabs the cat but the cat started attacking him scratching his face "Remember, our quarry has a ribbon on its right ear that says "Tiger" make sure there's no mistake?" said Kakashi-sensei "Target confirmed" said Sasuke his back turned from the scene. Rokudo grabbed the cat from Naruto calming the cat down, the cat stopped attacking and started to purr and mow "Why isn't that attacking you!?" asked Naruto as the cat hissed at him "Maybe because I'm not the one who looked like a threat, you shouldn't grab a cat like that or it'll think you're a threat and attack" explained Rokudo scratching the cat behind its ear.


"Poor Tiger...good little kitty-kitty...I was so worried about you, I could have died!" said Lady Shinimi as she was smothering her cat "No wonder why he ran away" thought Rokudo watching the whole thing as he looked to see the cat had it's paws out to him wanting to go to him.

"Now, the next assignment for Kakashi's team seven will be to babysit for the Council of Elders, to run errands to the neighboring village, to help dig sweet potatoes-" "NO WAY!! NO THANK YOU!! BORING!! GIVE US SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO DO!! SOMETHING IMPORTANT! SOMETHING AMAZING!!!!" yelled Naruto interrupting the Hokage "I kinda agree with Naruto, all the missions that we have been boring" thought Rokudo "Don't be a fool!! you're only a beginner! everyone starts out doing grunt work. It's where you get experience, so you can work your way up to the bigger things" explained Iruka-sensei, almost raising his voice at Naruto for interrupting the Hokage "We've done tons of small stuff, can't we get some action?!!" asked Naruto until he was hit in the head by Kakashi-sensei making him sit on the floor "Naruto, that's enough, knock it off!" said Kakashi-sensei.

"Apparently Naruto needs an explanation of just what these are...you see, every day, our village receives, for everything from babysitters to assassination. We take that tremendous variety and sort them into categories from A to D, based on the three degrees of skill they required. We also divide the shinobi into classes based on the level of their skills. After we of the upper echelon have sorted all the requests, we distributed them those of the level of ability deemed most appropriate and if the ninja in question completes those duties successfully, then the grateful person he has helped pays him a fee. Thus far, the four of you have only just attended the lowest rank, Level D tasks are the best you could aspire to" explained Lord Hokage.

"Hmm...I had pork ramen for lunch yesterday, so I think I'll have miso ramen today" said Naruto while Kakashi-sensei and Rokudo paid attention to him "Are you listening?" asked Lord Hokage "I'm sorry" said Kakashi-sensei scratching the back of his head while smiling under his mask "I don't want to hear it! all the old fart ever do is apologize and then give me a lecture, but it's not fair, there's more to me than the troublemaker screwup the old man thinks I am!" said Naruto, getting Rokudo's attention "Very well" said Lord Hokage as that got the attention of the whole team making them look at him "Since you put it that way I will permit you to attempt a C rank mission, usually reserved for shinobi of the journeyman level, he protection of a certain individual" said Lord Hokage "Who is it? some Great Lord? the Daimyo!? a Princess!? asked Naruto excitedly about the mission "Compose yourself, I'll perform the introductions straight away, please invite him in" said Lord Hokage.

The door opened as an almost drunk man walks in holding a bottle "What's going on here? they look like a bunch of wet-nosed brats, especially the midget, he's got the face of an imbecile, it's a joke right? you kids aren't really ninja, are you?" asked the man angrily "Who'd you mean? which midget? which imbechi-" Naruto stopped talking after realizing it, Sasuke was the tallest, Sakura and Rokudo the second tallest, and then Naruto "I'LL KILL HIM!!!!" yelled Naruto as he was about to attack the man but Kakashi-sensei held him down "Wrong, no killing the old man, you've been assigned to protect him" said Kakashi-sensei reminding him "I am Tazuna. a bridge builder of the Ultimate Renown, until I am safely back in my own country, where I'll be completing my next bridge, you'll all be expected to protect me, even if it costs you your lives!" said the man known as Tazuna. 
