A Second Chance

"You...can do that?" asked Zabuza as he looks at Rokudo, he nods "Yes, you and Haku can have a second chance to restart your lives" said Rokudo "Would you want that?" Zabuza didn't say anything for a while "Yes, I want a second chance" said Zabuza, Rokudo put his hand on his back and closed his eyes as his hands glowed green.

Soon all of Zabuza's wounds healed "Kakashi-sensei, bring Haku" said Rokudo as he helped Zabuza get up, Kakashi-sensei nodded and left to get Haku's body. Zabuza looks at Rokudo "Thank you" he says with a smile, Rokudo smiles back at him "You're welcome, you and Haku deserve a second chance, everyone does" said Rokudo as Kakashi-sensei lays Haku in front of Rokudo.

Rokudo kneeled in front of Haku, he rest his hands on Haku's forehead, his hands glowed green again as it heals Haku's wounds while Kakashi-sensei and Zabuza watch, a few minutes later he finishes, Haku's eyes slowly opened "Haku..." said Zabuza in shock as he tries to hold in his tears "Lord Zabuza?" asked Haku as he got up "You're alive" said Zabuza as he hugs Haku, Zabuza looks at Rokudo with a smile on his face. Rokudo tries to get up but falls back on his knees "Rokudo!" said Kakashi-sensei as he kneels next to him "I'm alright, I just used almost all of my chakra to help Zabuza and Haku" said Rokudo as Kakashi-sensei helps him up.
