Open The Scrolls

"There's no one here," said Naruto as they all looked around "I'm all right, can let go," said Rokudo with a smile "Ok," said Sasuke as he gave him a small smile "So what do we do now?" asked Naruto as he kept looking around "Hey! look at that!" said Sakura as she pointed at a sign that was in front of them.

If qualities of Heave
are your desire,
Acquire wisdom and 
knowledge to take your mind higher.
If earthly qualities are what you lack,
Train your body in the fields and prepare
to attack

When both Heaven and Earth
are opened together,
The path of peril will
revert to the righteous path forever.
This "  " is the secret way...
...that guides us on from this
place today.

The Third Hokage

"If...Heaven...your desire...I don't get it...! and what's with the blank space...?!" asked Naruto confused, Rokudo sighs before looking at Naruto "It means we have to open both the Heaven and Earth scroll together" explained Rokudo as he took out his scrolls.

Naruto handed Sakura the Heaven Scroll while he kept the Earth Scroll, their eyes glued to the scrolls as they got ready to open the scrolls.

"Well...what are we waiting for?!" 
