The Snake

Rokudo slowly wakes up as he groans in pain, his eyes widened when it all comes back to him "Sakura!! Sasuke!! Naruto!!" yelled Rokudo as he quickly got up ignoring the pain and started running. He stops running as he spots Sasuke and Sakura "Sasuke! Sakura!" he says as he walks to them "Nii-san!" said Sakura with joy "Don't move! what's the password?!" asked Sasuke while holding a kunai "The "Ninki", okay! "We thrive in the chaos of the enemy tide. Quite shinobi don't need dens to hide. Our only concern is to watch and wait until the enemy lowers the gate."!" said Rokudo, Sasuke sights in relief and Sakura ran and hugged him "It's okay Sakura, I'm here" said Rokudo hugging her back before they broke it, Rokudo walked to Sasuke and kissed his forehead before placing his forehead on his "I'm glad you're safe too" said Rokudo as he smiles at him making Sasuke blush.

"Are you guys all right?" asked Naruto as he ran to them breaking the moment "Not so fast, Naruto! The password?" asked Sasuke as he and Rokudo held their kunai's "Right "Ninki", "We thrive in the chaos of the enemy tide. Quite shinobi don't need dens to hide. Our only concern is to watch and wait until the enemy lowers the gate."" said Naruto, Sakura sighs in relief, Sasuke throws his kunai at Naruto making him dodge "What are you doing, Sasuke-kun? Naruto got the password right!" yelled Sakura as Rokudo got in front of her "And this time, he's good enough to deflect my attack!" said Sasuke "Wait just a second here!" yelled Sakura "Well done" said Naruto as a puff of smoke went around him "What gave me away?" asked the man as the smoke cleared away.

"We knew you were underground eavesdropping on everything we said! that's why I chose that kind of password" said Sasuke "The kind the real Naruto would never manage to memorize the password" said Rokudo as he and Sasuke smirk "I see, watch and wait, this is going to be more fun than I thought!" said the man taking off his hat smirking "That was another phony Naruto!!!" yelled Sakura as she stays behind Rokudo "I suppose you'd like to steal our Earth Scroll, wouldn't you...? Since you've already got a Heaven Scroll" the man says as he held an Earth Scroll.

The man put the Earth Scroll in his mouth, his long snake like tongue wrapped around the scroll, and swallowed the whole scroll "Now...shall we see...just who will be stealing scrolls from whom? We'll fight to the death!" said the man as Rokudo looked at him with a shock and horror look.

Their eyes widen as thousand's of kunai's came out of nowhere and attacked them, Rokudo tried to shield himself but one of the kunai's stabbed on his forehead but soon vanishes "An illusion?!" Rokudo yells in his head as he falls on his knees, he shakily looks to his left to see Sasuke vomiting and on his right Sakura shaking madly while tears were in her eyes "Damn it!! I must have looked in his eyes!! I can't lose now!! I have to get out of this illusion!!" yelled Rokudo in his head as he grabs a kunai "I see that my illusions are to strong it makes you want to kill yourself" said the man smirking, Rokudo smirks leaving the man confused "You wish!!" Rokudo yells as he stabs his own leg getting out the illusion.

"He stabbed himself to get out of the illusion, what a smart child he is, I shouldn't doubt THEIR son after all" thought the man as he threw two kunai at Sasuke and Sakura, Rokudo grabs Sasuke and Sakura and jumps away but hissed in pain when he looked down on his leg to see the one of the man's kunai stabbed his leg, he soon lands on a tree "Sasuke!! Sakura!! Come on, snap out of it!! it's an illusion!! it's not real!!" yelled Rokudo ignoring the kunai stabbed on his leg "I'm sorry you guys!"" said Rokudo as he grabbed the kunai on his leg, he grabbed Sasuke's hand and cut's his palm and he did the same with Sakura. Sakura opened her mouth to say something when she looked to see Rokudo bleeding on his leg "Nii-san, you're hurt!" said Sakura with tears in her eyes "I'll be fine" said Rokudo looking around looking for the man "I have to find a way for us to escape! we can't stay here for long or else he'll find us and kill us!!" Rokudo yells in his head as he tries to come with a plan to escape "Rokudo!! Snake!!" yelled Sakura, Rokudo looked up to see a giant snake looking at them.

They all jumped separately in time for the snake to strike at the tree branch they were on, Rokudo looked behind him to see the snake slithering to his path, Rokudo threw kunai's at it, and the snake then fell on a tree branch. Rokudo landed on a tree branch falling on his injured leg breathing heavily but his eyes widened when the snake tore open and the man came out "For shame, letting your guard down! stay on your toes, like a good prey should! it makes the chase so much more rewarding for the predator!" said the man with a sicking look on his face, Rokudo's eyes widened when the man slithering on a tree but kunai's and shuriken's were all thrown in front of the man stopping him.

"Sorry, Sasuke, I can't remember that stupid password!" 
