Love Confession

Sasuke's POV

Tonight is the night I finally confess my love to Rokudo-senpai, I finally have the courage to tell him my true feelings for him, I never felt so nervous in my entire life, the last time I felt nervous was when I tried to talk to Rokudo-senpai for the first time when we were kids. I left my guest room and walked to Rokudo-senpai's room quietly making sure I didn't wake the dobe or Sakura. 

I knocked on his door but there was no answer, I turned the knob slowly and opened the door opening, I walked inside to see Rokudo was not in his room but a note on his pillow, I grabbed the note and started reading it.

Couldn't sleep,

went to the forest to get fresh air

-Haruno Rokudo

I looked at the note again then put it down back on the bed, I left his room, closed his door, and started walking to the forest. As I was walking through the forest looking for Rokudo-senpai I realized how dark it was outside. As I kept walking and looking around I saw Rokudo-senpai standing in front of a cliff showing his back to me.

I blushed as the wind blew Rokudo-senpai's soft pink hair that I wanted to run my fingers through and his pale skin shining as the moon hit his skin, just admiring him makes me blush. I walked to him I saw his eyes were closed so I tapped his shoulder "R-Rokudo-senpai" I said as he opens his beautiful light green eye, I blushed again as I looked straight into his eyes, his eyes were beautiful like a four leaf clover "Oh hey Sasuke, what's up?" he asked looking at me, his voice was so soft and beautiful that it makes the angel's in heaven jealous "I-I have to tell you something" I said blushing even more as I felt all my courage leave my body as soon as I said that.

"Sure, what's up?" he asked tilting his head, I can tell I was still blushing at his cuteness. I took a deep breath knowing this is my one chance I get to tell him my feelings "I-I wanted to say I..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I clutch at my shirt tightly before closing my eyes "I-I love you!! I've loved you since the first day I met you at the Ninja Academy and as we grew up I couldn't help but feel a spark between us, but until now I want to stay by your side and follow you wherever you go!!" " it was silent after that moment, I couldn't look at Rokudo-senpai in the face fearing he had a digested face but before I knew it his lips were touching mine. I was in complete shock.

A few seconds later he slowly broke the kiss while I was still in shock. Rokudo-senpai gives me a warm smile "R-Rokudo-senpai?" I looked at him not sure what else to say but his name "I love you too Sasuke" he smiles at me.

3rd POV

Sasuke gave Rokudo a smile, a real smile, and pecked his lips, Rokudo smiles at him and grabs his hands "Sasuke, will you be my boyfriend?" asked Rokudo, Sasuke smiles and hugs him wrapping his arms around his neck "Yes, I would love that" said Sasuke smiling, Rokudo hugs him back wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I want to show you something" said Rokudo as he carried him up bridal style, making Sasuke blush, he ran through the forest holding Sasuke tightly. A few minutes later Rokudo put him down "Now, close your eyes" said Rokudo, Sasuke smiles and closes his eyes, Rokudo waved his hand in front of Sasuke's face making sure he didn't see, then he pulls the tree vines away, grabs Sasuke's hand, and leads him to trees with lanterns and lights around them.

Sasuke opens his eyes to see the beautiful lights and lanterns hanging on the trees "Rokudo...I don't know what to say" said Sasuke as he walks around looking at the lights and lanterns, Rokudo smiles and lends his hand out "May I have this dance?" asked Rokudo, Sasuke smiles and blushes while looking at Rokudo and grabs his hand.

They soon started to dance under the lights as they looked at each other in the eyes never leaving each other's sight. Sasuke blushes a bright red but smiles at him. As they finished their dance they both leaned in and kissed each other.
