
As they made it to room 301, Kakashi-sensei was waiting for them in front of the door "Glad you made it all, this way you all qualify to apply for the Chunin selection exam" said Kakashi-sensei "...What do you mean?" asked Sakura confused "The way the test is set up, it can only be taken by three-person team, so Rokudo, you'll be on your own for the exam" said Kakashi-sensei "I understand" said Rokudo calmly "But...Kakashi-sensei, you said it was up to each of us to decide whether or not to apply, were you lying?" asked Sakura "I said I had to, to keep your partners from pressuring you into coming along, even if you had no interest in applying, one word from Sasuke and you'd have come along and gone through the motions, through your heart wouldn't have been in it" explained Kakashi-sensei "What would have happened if Sasuke, Rokudo, and Naruto had shown up without me?" asked Sakura "Then Rokudo would have to replace you but you're all here because you want to be and I'm very very proud of you, now get in there!" said Kakashi-sensei giving them a closed eye smile, making the four smile as they walk in.

"Wh...what th...?" asked Naruto confused "What is this?" asked Sakura as in front of them was an army of ninja's from different villages looking at them. "So many people" said Rokudo "Sasuke-kun! Where've you been, cutie?" asked a voice as Sasuke was tackled from behind "I could hardly wait! it's so exciting, seeing you again after all this time!" said Ino Yamanaka as Sasuke glares at her "INO, YOU PIG!!! GET YOUR HOOVES OFF SASUKE-KUN! HE'S TAKEN!!!" yelled Sakura "What do you mean Sasuke-kun is taken?!" asked Ino with anger "He is dating my nii-san, and his name is Rokudo Haruno!!" yelled Sakura pointing at Rokudo proudly "WHAT?!!!" Ino yells with anger "Why don't you two save yourselves the embarrassment of flunking this test? go die, okay?" said Shikamaru Nara as Choji Akimichi was stuffing his face with potato chips "Well, if it isn't the three stooges!" said Naruto "Stop calling us that! what a pain in the butt!" said Shikamaru "Gonna make Sasuke-kun mine!" said Ino as she stuck her tongue out to Sakura and glaring at Rokudo.

"Hey! there you are! looks like the gang's all here" said Kiba Inuzuka "Uh...hi..." said Hinata Hyuga shyly while Shino Aburame said nothing "Including you...unfortunately!" said Shikamaru "So...I guess all three of this year's newbie trios decided to apply, huh? I wonder how far we'll all get, what do you think...Sasuke, Rokudo?" asked Kiba smirking "Trying to psych us by acting cool, Kiba?" asked Sasuke smirking "No one is falling for it Inuzuka" said Rokudo "Who's acting? the way we've trained, no way can you beat us" said Kiba, smirking "Oh shut up!! you guys won't even beat me, much less Sasuke and Rokudo!" Naruto yelled "I-I'm sorry, Naruto...Kiba didn't mean that way it sounded..." said Hinata blushing while fiddling with her fingers "Would you guys do us all a favor and just shut up?" asked a voice, everyone turned around to see a boy with white hair tied in a pony tail and round glasses.

"You three gangs of would-be hotshots are all Genin, right? kids barely out of local Ninja Academy? all wet behind the ears and runny nosed! this isn't a school field trip, you know" said the boy "Who do you think you are?" asked Rokudo glaring at him "Name's Kabuto, so what? you kids need to open your eyes" said the boy known as Kabuto "Why?" asked Sakura as they all looked to see other ninja's glaring at them.

"Watch out for the groups behind you, they're Amagakure- Those Who Hide In The Rain and they've go very short fuses, everyone's on edge, waiting to take the exam, I wanted to give you a heads-up before someone snaps and beats the crap out of you" said Kabuto "Oh" said Sakura shaking a bit as they look back at Kabuto "But it's probably unavoidable, like all rookies, you think you already know everything, I remember what it was like" said Kabuto as his hand was touching his pouch "Kabuto?" asked Sakura "Yeah?" asked Kabuto as he looks at her "Are you saying this is the second time you've applied?" asked Sakura a bit worried "Not second...seventh, twice a year, going on four years now" Kabuto answered "Wow, then you've got a lot of experience with what we can expect!" said Sakura "I guess so" said Kabuto smirking "All right! Kabuto, are the man!!" said Naruto.

"Cute, okay...the least I can do is give you sweet little babies some vital intelligence of what you're in for...with these shinobi skill cards" said Kabuto as he shows them cards he has "Shinobi skill cards?" asked Sakura confused "To put it simply, they contain information about the skills we use, transformed into symbols and burned into the cards using chakras, it took me four years to collect all the intelligence needed for the exam, in all, there are almost 200 cards, they look blank, don't they? the only way you can read the data on the cards..." explained Kabuto as a puff of smoke appears on the cards "What's he doing?" asked Sakura as they all watch him " by using my own personal chakra, each set is linked to its possessor, for example, cards like this's some kind of combination map and bar graph, in three dimensions! What kind of intelligence? it shows how many applications each shinobi nation is sending to this session of the Chunin journey ninja exams" explained Kabuto finishing his sentence.

"Do you also have dossier cards? cards for each individual applicant?" asked Sasuke "Why? someone here you have a particular interest in? I'll admit these are far from complete, but we burned a set of dossier cards for the current pool of applicants including your team, if you shape any data you have on this person who interests you, I'll be happy to look him up and let you know what I have so far" said Kabuto "Gaara, from Sunagakure, Hidden In Sand and Rock Lee, from Konoha" said Sasuke "You know their names? no sweat, then" said Kabuto as he grabbed two cards putting chakra in them "Let me see them" said Sasuke looking at the cards.

"First up is Rock Lee, he's a year older than you four, missions to date: 20 D-ranked, 11 C-ranked, his team's sensei is Might Guy and his Taijutsu, physical skills have grown exponentially this past year, he has no other talents worth mentioning, he was considered a standout among last year's Genin...but he didn't apply for the Chunin Exam, he's a FIRST timer like you four, his teammates are named Hyuga Neji and Tenten"

"Next is Gaara of the sand...desert country...eight B, wow! not many rookie shinobi get B-ranked assignments! Since he's from way out in the desert, I have less on him...but it's interesting, he's come back from every mission completely unscratched, without a scratch..."

Rokudo looked at Gaara's card studying it "Konoha, Suna, Ame, Kusa, Taki, Oto...this year, every Hidden Village has sent outstanding Junior-Level Genin here to compete, I don't know much about Oto, the Village Hidden In Sound, it's part of a new, small nation, so intelligence on it is lacking, every other competing village is well respected home to some formidably powerful shinobi" explained Kabuto "Anybody besides me suddenly feeling kind of outclassed?" asked Hinata "What you're trying to tell us is....everyone here..." "Oh, yeah, they're all like Lee and Gaara, Elite, Hand-picked, the best young ninja in the world" said Kabuto "They have to be, the test is pitiless" said Rokudo, Sakura and Rokudo looked to see Naruto shaking "It's all right, Naruto, nothing to worry about" said Sakura trying to comfort him "MY NAME IS UZUMAKI NARUTO!! AND NONE OF YOU ARE GONNA BEAT ME!!! YOU GOT THAT?" yelled Naruto with confidence "What's his problem?!" asked Ino, pointing at Naruto "Yeah! that felt great!" said Naruto with a huge smile "Oh, please!" said Sasuke as he, Rokudo and Kabuto smirked at him while all the ninja's glare at him.

""And none of you are gonna beat me!" the nerve of that kid! that idiot turned a room full of strangers into a room full of enemies with just one sentence" said Shikamaru "What are you blathering about?!" yelled Sakura, choking him "I'm telling the truth!!" Naruto yelled back but all the ninja's gave him a death glare "Pay no attention to my friend, he' know...a special-ed ninja..." said Sakura, as Sakura was yelling at Naruto they didn't see sound ninja's running to them.

One of the ninja's threw two kunai's in front of Kabuto, Kabuto jumps away but when he looked up a ninja with bandages covering his whole face except his right eye, he was about to punch him but Kabuto uses his arm to block his punch, Kabuto smirks but soon disappears when the glass from his glasses shattered "What's going on? he dodged the blow, but something broke his glasses!" said Sasuke shocked "His nose probably got grazed, serves him right for acting all superior" said Shikamaru, Kabuto's eyes widen as he falls on his knees and starts throwing up "Aw man! he's hurling!" yelled Naruto "Kabuto?" yelled Sakura worried, all the ninja's glare at the three sound ninja's "Kabuto!! hey, bro!" yelled Naruto as he ran to him "Are you all right?" asked Sakura worried as she and Rokudo were with him "...Yeah...I'm fine..." said Kabuto "You're a pushover, aren't you? pretty sad for someone who's been an applicant for your years now" said the bandaged ninja "Better add this to your cards, the three applicants from Hidden In Sound will all make Chunin this year" said the other Sound Ninja, Rokudo helped Kabuto not realizing the Sound Ninja looking at him, soon a huge puff of smoke appears.

"Would everybody please just shut up?!"
