
In Kakashi-sensei's apartment, Kakashi-sensei was in his bed resting while Asuma-sensei, Guy-sensei, Akumu, and Kurenai-sensei were with him "That guy still hasn't found Koin or Naruto?" asked Guy-sensei "But it's not funny that he enters a crowded village. In this village, finding Naruto and Koin is pretty simple. Itachi knows their faces" said Asuma-sensei "Shhh" Guy-sensei said as the front door opened.

"Kakashi-sensei" said Sasuke as he came inside with Koin behind him until they saw him in bed "What happened to Kakashi-sensei? Why are you all here?" asked Koin worried "Um,'s not really that" said Guy-sensei before a shinobi ran inside "Is the story that Itachi has returned really true?! and that he is chasing Naruto and Koin?!" asked the shinobi until he saw Sasuke and Koin in front of him "Baka."

Sasuke's eyes widened with pure hatred as Koin looked at him "Sasuke...?" Koin asked, worried as he grabbed his shoulder but Sasuke slapped his hand away from his shoulder and ran out of the room "Sasuke!" yelled Koin as he ran after him "Where are you going?!" yelled the shinobi.

Koin ran until he saw Sasuke at Ichiraku "Sasuke!" he yelled as ran beside him breathing heavily from running "Old man! Naruto usually comes here for lunch!! after that do you know where he went?!" asked Sasuke "Ahhh, Naruto. Let's see...I'm sure Jiraiya-san came and ate ramen with him. He said where he was going...let's see...he was going to leave town for a little bit, take the cattle-road down to the hotel-town or something...Jiraiya-san took him along when he left'' explained Teuchi "Jiraiya!?" asked Sasuke "A great ninja. The Three's Jiraiya. Spotting him is easy, a big white-haired man" said Teuchi.

Sasuke ran out of Ichiraku's without asking any questions "Hey! he was looking for someone and didn't even have the courtesy to have a bite to eat" said Teuchi disappointed "Ahhh!! I'm so sorry for my boyfriend's actions, I'll come over later to have some ramen later!!" said Koin as he followed Sasuke.

As he ran he felt his legs getting tired with each step ready to collapse but he ignored it and kept running until he got to the small town "Where is he?" he breathed out as he tries to run but failed as he fell on his knees, his legs finally giving up. "I'm gonna have to use paper" said Koin as he closes his eyes, transforming into paper flying through the town as the papers sense Naruto's chakra in a small hotel. The papers fly in a window and transform back into himself.

He opened his eyes to see he was next to Naruto's hotel door to see two figures wearing cloaks.

"It's been a while...Koin-sama"
