Rain Ninja's vs Team 7 and Kabuto

"There are a lot of them...not to mention all the doppelgangers," said Kabuto as the Rain Ninja's circled around them "Wh-what the...?" asked Sakura shocked as Rokudo, Naruto, and Sasuke glared at them.

"You're all trapped like rats!" chuckled one of the Rain Ninjas, Rokudo and Sasuke glared at him "Shut up!!" yelled Naruto as he ran and punched him in the stomach "Good one, Naruto!!" cheered Sakura with a smile, Rokudo and Kabuto's eyes widened when the rain ninja exploded like water also shocking Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. The rain ninja formed back but it also formed another rain ninja behind his back holding a kunai "Naruto!!" yelled Rokudo as he activated his rinnegan eye, using his speed to cut it's arm with his kunai before he could attack Naruto.

The arm formed back and punched Rokudo back to the group with Sasuke catching him "Rokudo, are you ok?" asked Sasuke worried, but Rokudo didn't answer "Why didn't I dodge his attack?! I-I can't move my body!" thought Rokudo, not realizing his curse mark slowly spreading from his neck.

Rokudo sat up with his head laying on Sasuke's shoulder as Sasuke wrapped his arms around him keeping him close to him as he glared at the rain ninja "That punch was solid real...it's not an illusion" Rokudo thought "Surrender your scroll...!" said a rain ninja.

"Does the fact that they physically hurt Rokudo mean these guys are solid doppelgangers and not just illusions...? even when doppelgangers have some substance, they usually fade away once you beat them...and these guys are still here. So is this Genjutsu after all? Which is it?" asked Naruto with so many questions while holding a kunai "Blast it!!" yelled Naruto as he was about to attack them.

"Wait! Don't!" yelled Rokudo making Naruto stop running and looked at Rokudo "They are just illusions...Genjutsu cast by the enemy" said Rokudo "B-but...when they punched you...it was real" said Sakura "No...Rokudo's right. The illusionist is watching from somewhere close by, synchronizing a real, physical attack with the movements of the enemies we think we're seeing! It enhances our perception that the shadow shinobi we're fighting is real" explained Kabuto "So I'll hunt down the coward who's throwing kunai knives from behind the scenes...and kick his butt!!" yelled Naruto with anger "No...good as he is, he can convince us to believe the kunai are coming from any direction he wants us to. We'll never find him that way...but he's hoping we'll try" Kabuto explained again.

"He and his teammates are pretty much wimps when it comes to Taijutsu" Rokudo chuckles making everyone look at him "The actual, physical foe..won't come out and face us until we're completely worn out and helpless" explained Rokudo "Right now, our only choice...is to keep moving and avoid their attacks" "Okay...if that's how they want to play it" growled Naruto.

Soon kunais appeared, making Naruto ducked down, Sakura using her kunai to shield herself from the kunais, Sasuke also using a kunai to shield himself and Rokudo, and Kabuto jumped away from the kunais. "Ohhh! how long can they keep this up?!" yelled Sakura "How long can we?!" yelled Naruto as he did a few hand signs "Naruto, no!! don't squander your chakra!! a direct attack can't help us!" yelled Rokudo "If we were to dissipate all of the illusions simultaneously, whoever's casting them...wouldn't be able to just hurl knives at us without us seeing where they're hiding!" yelled Naruto as he did his shadow clone jutsu.

Naruto and his clones soon attacked the rain ninjas as Kabuto, Sasuke, Rokudo, and Sakura watched "Rats!!" yelled Naruto as more rain ninja's appeared and his clones vanished. One of the rain ninja's came and kicked Naruto back to his team, Naruto laid on the ground groaning in pain from the kick "Uhhn...that's all I got..." said Naruto exhausted.

As he said that, the rain ninja's soon disappeared as the real rain ninja appeared "I know you...you're the one who maimed my arm! and here you are again...making us work hard all night. I'm so glad there's time for a little taste of payback!" said the rain ninja with a kunai as he looked at Rokudo, Rokudo's eyes widened with the others, but Naruto only smirked at the rain ninja. "Now who's the trapped rat?" said Rokudo smirking behind them with Sasuke, Kabuto, and Sakura.

"Nice work, Naruto!"
