Sasuke vs Itachi

Koin looked at the two figures "The coats, they are part of the akatsuki with my mother and father" Koin thought in his head as he felt himself trembling "It has been awhile...Koin-sama" said Itachi "Yaye yayre...indeed, today is a special day, don't you think?" Kisame asked, looking like a shark as he turned to see Koin.

Koin clenches his fists tightly, almost drawing blood "Uchiha Itachi...I will...kill you!!" said a venoumes voice, Koin turned around to see Sasuke with his sharingan activated "Hou... seem to be familiar with Itachi...who is this guy?" asked Kisame with a smirk "He is my...younger brother" Itachi replays.

Koin glanced at Itachi, shocked before looking at Sasuke as he had a deadly glare "B-brother...?" stuttered Koin. "...I heard the entire Uchiha clan was wiped you..." said Kisame "He is the one Sasuke was talking about..." Koin thought in his head as he looked at Itachi.

There is a certain man...

I have to kill...

"That man that he has to him" Koin thought in his head.

It was silent as the two Uchiha brothers glared at each other until Sasuke created the chidori making Koin shield his eyes from the bright light "...I've been wanting to say this to you...I've lived hating you...and also that I have lived only to kill you...I HAVE LIVED FOR THIS!!" Sasuke shouts as Koin looks at him with wide eyes trying to ignore the bright light from the chidori.

Sasuke ran through the hall destroying the inn's wall pushing Koin quickly running to the side to get away from Sasuke but in one blink of an eye Itachi was gripping Sasuke's arm both glaring at each other "This is bad" Koin thought in his head as he made a hand sign, paper coming out of his skin getting both Itachi and Kisame's attention "'re in my way..." Sasuke mumbles in anger but soon screams in pain as Itachi grips Sasuke's arm "Sasuke!!" yelled Koin but as he was about to summon more paper Kisame was now behind Koin with his arm around his neck so Koin wouldn't escape the paper going back to Koin "Nice try" said Kisame smirking.

Before Kisame could do anything a huge frog appeared, kicking Kisame away from Koin "You don't seem to know very much about me...I'm better at getting girls than they are trying to get me. Even though it doesn't look like it. It's my...specialty" said a man behind Koin, Koin turned around to see Jiraiya with a woman on his shoulder unconscious "I, Jiraiya, this epitome of man-illness for no woman's feminine wiles!! When you're someone like me, you'll have to flash that sexiness to have women fall at your feet!!" said Jiraiya. Koin sweatdropped at Jiraiya "Um...what??" asked Koin.

"Oh yeah? That girl just winked at ya and you were scampering after her! And now you're trying to look all cool and classy- you pervy sage!" yelled Naruto pointing at Jiraiya "Hey! can't you stop calling me that in front of others?" asked Jiraiya "Screw that! It's those guys over there we should be worrying about, pervy sage!" yelled Naruto. Koin ignored them and ran to Sasuke getting on top of him protecting him as Sasuke groaned in pain.

Kisame walked out of the broken wall with an evil smirk on his face "So it's one of the Legendary Three Ninjas, The Great Jiraiya, eh? you like beautiful women but we weren't thinking that such a simple method could successfully stall you anyway" said Kisame chuckling "You guys know the pervy sage's real identity?!" asked Naruto shocked "Not really, I wouldn't call that a "real" identity...." said Jiraiya "In any case, it seems you have already undone the genjutsu binding the woman" said Kisame.

"You guys wanted to draw me away so you used the sharingan to cast a genjutsu on the woman, huh? not a very manly way of doing things" said Jiraiya as he lays the unconscious woman down "So you really are after Naruto and Koin..." said Jiraiya. Naruto's eyes widen at what Jiraiya said and he looks at Koin.

"No wonder Kakashi knew about were the source of information... "To abduct Naruto and take Koin-sama"...those were the orders given to us by the higher echelons of our organisation "Akatsuki" and the father of Koin-sama" said Itachi, Naruto looked at Itachi shocked before looking at Koin again "...You won't get them" said Jiraiya glaring at Itachi "And why not?" asked Itachi glaring back "Because right now, right here, you two will die by my hand" said Jiraiya.

Sasuke shoves Koin out of his way as he gets back up "Don't do it. This mine!!!" said Sasuke with venom in his voice "...I have absolutely no interest in you right now" said Itachi "Koin!! I told you once so I'm telling you now!!! DON'T GET IN MY WAY! THIS FIGHT IS MINE!" yelled Sasuke glaring at Koin.

Itachi walks to Sasuke "COME ON!" yelled Sasuke but Itachi punches him in the stomach making him spit out blood, Itachi punches him again and again "No mercy at all..." said Kisame with a smirk. Sasuke was on the ground until Itachi picked him up by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Soon, Sasuke started to scream.

"Itachi! I advise you against using your eyes so many times in a single day..." said Kisame "SASUKE!!!" yelled Koin as he ran to him. Kisame noticed this and tried to stop Koin until the walls and floor turned sticky making the sword stuck "Ninpou Gama Guchi Shibai!!! too bad, Itachi...Kisame. You are already inside my stomach!" said Jiraiya
