The Plan

"The preliminaries have safely concluded...they will now proceed to the Finals," said Kabuto, Orochimaru didn't say anything for a while as he looks at Naruto "How tranquil...or naively peaceful this nation has become...while all the other countries are busy with military expansion races..." said Orochimaru finally speaking "So if we strike now...?" asked Kabuto "Well, yes...although I doubt it would be any fun to kill that feeble old geezer..." said Orochimaru smirking "...Are you so sure of yourself...?" asked Kabuto, Orochimaru looked at him with an evil look.

"To still seems like you're faltering...soon, the powers of each Hidden Village will collide and enter a fierce, lengthy conflict ...Otogakure, The Hidden Sound Village, will be one of those involved...and you're planning to be the trigger of that...'' said Kabuto, Orochimaru didn't say anything to him "And to that end, that boy...he's a bullet, right? Koin, wasn't it...?" asked Kabuto "Heh...your insights are disgustingly accurate..." said Orochimaru as he smirks "Well, obviously not...because I didn't know about Dosu, Zaku and Kin. When I was assigned to gather intelligence on Koin...I wanted to understand the power of those Three Sound Ninja. I made a foolish tactical error...I even provoked them into attacking me...and overestimated my own defenses'' said Kabuto.

"It still don't put your full trust in me...isn't that right? those three are so it really necessary for me to tell you of such trivialities? you're my right-hand man...that itself is evidence of my trust" said Orochimaru with a smirk, Kabuto didn't say anything as he looks at Orochimaru "That's why...I was thinking of entrusting Koin to you...but before the darkness in his soul is extinguished...I want you to kidnap him right away" said Orochimaru with an evil smirk "How unlike're worried!" said Kabuto "There is something causing me a bit of concern..." said Orochimaru "You mean...Uchiha Sasuke?" asked Kabuto.

"Koin is an embodiment of power...his sole reason for living is the desire to become a strong Sannin. Until he achieves that goal, he cannot die. And yet...when we fought each other...even though he knew he couldn't prevail against me...he came at me without any fear of death. And I hadn't thought the son of Pain and Konan would rush so eagerly to his demise...according to your notes, it seems that his contact with changing Koin's purpose and his soul. Since Sasuke loves Koin so much...I must separate them immediately...As soon as I can, I've got to make Koin my weapon..." said Orochimaru.

Kabuto glared at Orochimaru "Well then..." said Kabuto as he walks away "" said Orochimaru as he stops Kabuto "If you want to stop me...your only chance is to kill Koin now" said Orochimaru, Kabuto looked at him shocked of what he said "There's no way you could kill me, eh? even if you're're no stronger than Kakashi, so..." said Kakashi, Kabuto kept looking at him "Heh...I'm may go! I'm putting my trust in you..." said Orochimaru as he smiles, Kabuto gives him an evil smirk before he jumps away.
