He Died For You!!

"Why...why can't I keep up...?" asked Zabuza as he was furious for losing "Damn it!!" he yelled as he ran with his sword, but Kakashi-sensei stabs Zabuza with a kunai stabbing his arm making him slide away, Zabuza uses his feet to stop himself from sliding away and swings his sword at Kakashi-sensei but in one blink of an eye Kakashi-sensei was behind Zabuza holding his neck "Now there's no way you can beat me" said Kakashi-sensei "What?!" yelled Zabuza in shock "It's over, you just don't know it yet" said Kakashi-sensei.

"Heh-Heh! I wonder how the fight's going!" said an unfamiliar voice.

Kakashi-sensei grabs two kunai's "This is good-bye "Demon"!" yelled Kakashi-sensei as he was going to stab Zabuza, but instead of stabbing Zabuza, he stabs his other arm making it numb like his other arm "Now you can't use either arm, no jutsu, no katas, no chakra" said Kakashi-sensei.

"Well, he's certainly made a fine mess out of you! What a pity..."

Zabuza and Kakashi-sensei looked to see who the voice belonged to, until they saw Gatô himself with an army of men behind him "Zabuza!" he said with an evil smile on his face "Gatô...what are you...doing here? and...why...did you...bring...all of them?!" asked Zabuza as he glared at the men behind him, Kakashi-sensei also glared at them, Gatô chuckled "There's been a slight change of plan, Zabuza or of your plans, anyway, this was what I had in mind all along, you're going to die "Demon"...here and now" said Gatô "What?" asked Zabuza shocked by what he said "You must have guessed, I never intended to pay you...it's such a bother hiring a skilled shinobi affiliated with one of the top villages, it's expensive...and they tend to have friends who object when I betray and kill them, it's so much simpler to hire Ukenin renegades like yourself, no one cares what I do to your kind once the job is done, all of you ninja are so eager to fight each other once you've worn each other down, common thugs can finish off the rest, it's a great business plan, efficient and inexpensive, my only mistake was hiring you in the first place, calling yourself the Demon Of Kirigakure is just plain false advertising! heh heh...you're no demon...more like a Baby Demon, if that" said Gatô as the men behind him started laughing with him "The shape you're in, we'll take you down without even breaking a sweat!" yelled one of the men, Naruto glared at the men.

"Forgive me...Kakashi...our fight is over, I no longer have any reason to want to assassinate Tazuna...which settles our differences" said Zabuza "Yeah...you're right" said Kakashi-sensei "...That reminds me...I still have a score to settle" said Gatô as he walks to Haku's body while Kakashi-sensei and Zabuza watch him "You...crushed my arm until you almost broke the bones!" said Gatô as he smirks "Dead meat, carrion" said said Gatô as he stomps his foot on Haku's face.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU CREEP?!" yelled Naruto as he ran to attack him but Kakashi-sensei held him down stopping him "Cool down, think, there's a lot of them" said Kakashi-sensei, Naruto looked at Zabuza with anger in his eyes "HEY, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING?! HE WORKED FOR YOU! HE WAS PRACTICALLY YOUR SLAVE!!" yelled Naruto "Like what? Haku is dead" said Zabuza "BUT YOU SHOULD CARE! THAT FAT SCUMBAG IS DESECRATING HIM!!! HE WAS YOUR COMRADE...YOU'RE PARTNER...HE WORKED FOR YOU FOR YEARS!!!" yelled Naruto "...Gatô's been using me...and I used Haku, weren't you listening? it's a shinobi's lot, all of us are either users, or tools...or both, I don't value Haku for himself...but for the taint his blood carried...and for what his talents could do for me, I apologize for nothing" said Zabuza.

"You...do you really mean that?" asked Naruto shocked, but Zabuza didn't say anything, Naruto slapped Kakashi-sensei's hand and stomped to Zabuza "Stop it, Naruto! Leave him alone, our quarrel is over, besides which..." "SHUT UP, HE'S STILL MY ENEMY!!!" yelled Naruto interrupting Kakashi-sensei as he pointed at Zabuza, Zabuza didn't say anything as he looked at Naruto "Who is that obnoxious brat?...he's been making quite a nuisance of himself" said Gatô, Naruto then pointed at Haku's body "HE...HE REALLY CARED ABOUT YOU!! HE WAS DEVOTED TO YOU!! BUT YOU THINK THAT'S JUST NOTHING, THAT HE WAS NOTHING, YOU DON'T FEEL A THING! ARE YOU REALLY THAT HEARTLESS? IS THAT HOW YOU GET...WHEN YOUR POWERS ARE AS STRONG AS YOURS ARE? HE GAVE HIS LIFE FOR YOU! He died...without any of his dreams ever coming true...to die his tool...That's...too much, too cruel..." said Naruto as he started crying "...Kid..." said Zabuza, Naruto looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"...Not...another word" he says as tears were coming down his eyes.
