What's with holding people by the neck!

" Nah just wanted to know what all the racket was on the deck, I can't find the person who killed all these people, do you know Twitchy?" he says looking around not computing that I was the one who killed them all.

" Whitey you should leave" I snarl

He looks at me and laughs " Why are you still alive? I would think whoever killed these people would have killed you too." I finally had enough I stomp over to him and grab his throat and lift him in the air his eyes widen and begin to bulge out of his head.

" I killed these people, do you want to be next?" I smile, he tries nodding so I drop him. " Why did he bring me out here?" I ask myself, Whitey totally forgotten. I walk around the deck smelling anything that might look suspicious or give me a clue.

" Ummm Mako, why are you smelling everything, you have changed you've gotten weirder." Whitey says and I drop the packet of blood I was about to tear apart and I laugh in embarrassment.

" I'm just wondering why I'm out here" I say, Whitey just nods and jumps of the boat into the water. Hmm why didn't I do that. Wait why did my mood change so fast I was depressed then on a freak'n rampage then wanting to kill Whitey then confused then questioning my health, I think I need a check up. Ugh I have just as bad mood swings than girls, no offence Nere. I was to busy thinking I didn't notice more soldiers coming on deck. I don't know how I didn't notice a ton of people surrounding me I just did, okay, don't judge me I'm just stupid. A gunshot brings me out of my thoughts and I turn to avoid the tranquillizer dart speeding toward me. " Oh hi friends, wanna play? But first give me food so I don't eat your corpse or just eat you alive!" I smile the soldiers shift uncomfortably. " Hmm no okay, I guess I'll have to eat you guys, I know that sounds terrible I don't want to eat you but I'm starving, you feel me?" Yeah I'm going insane. " Wait where are all of you coming from is there like a storage place for you guys and you guys come out when the other batch is killed?"

" MAKO!" I tense up, wait what? That strangled voice, she can't be here... I slowly turn and standing there is Whitey holding Nere by the neck.

" NERE!"
