
I stared in horror Whitey tossed Nere like a rag doll to the ground. How? How? How? Why? Why? Why? My thoughts were rampant the world was becoming blurry I fell to my knees my legs having no strength. I realized what I should have known all along, Kuron captured Nere and the others too. I was to sorrowful to even bother attacking the man who began putting a metal collar around my neck. Whitey came over to me and picked me up by my clothes I let him take me it doesn't matter now I have lost everything I failed to protect the people I most cared most about.. again... again! AGAIN! Over and over I fail to protect.. I wasn't made to be a bodyguard, no I was made to be a hitman, a murderer, a puppet for my master. That's my purpose. I was carried into a room and Whitey chained me to a wall and left. I was left alone again, left with my thoughts. Anger kindled inside me as I thought of all the things that have happened to me. I pulled over and over again on the chains and yelled till my wrists were sore and my voice was gone. I slumped against the wall and close my eyes but as soon as I close them I hear the door crack open I look and see Whitey standing at the door but my nose tells me there is more people. Whitey walks in and is followed by Sham and Wasp. Wasp is holding a pack of blood, Sham has a fresh fish, and Whitey has.. nothing.. Of course. Wasp laughs when she sees me. " So this is why were called in here with blood and a fish, Mako is here."

" Let me go" I try to say but nothing comes out. I push myself against the wall as Wasp gets closer.

"When did you get so handsome?" I look at her in surprise, did she just say that? " Well that's not fair" scowls Wasp " That idiot Scarlett." My interest is peaked and I don't hide it. " Oh don't worry Mako she's coming" Wasp smiles and brings her hand to my face and I snap my teeth at her and she withdraws. What's happened to Wasp? She called me handsome that's creepy, really creepy. Wasp walks back to join Sham and Whitey. Then I smell her blood that rotten blood. Scarlett walks in with her head held high like she's the boss and like she owns everything. I hate her, if you haven't noticed. Her white hair was braided down on side and as soon as she looked at me she smiled and giggled.

" Mako, long time no see" she smiles as if we were friends. I get up, ready to fight. " Oh don't bother Mako we aren't here to hurt you but to give you food, see?" she says pointing to the bag of blood and fish. I look wearily at them.

" Don't lie to me" I growl but she just smiles more

" Oh my I forgot that you can read my heartbeat to see if I lie" she says and grabs the bag of blood and waves in my face just out of my reach. " You're hungry, right Mako?" I say nothing and she grins. " Well if you're not you will be soon and we are just going to set this just out of your reach" she smiles " But first I must know which would you eat first?" she snickers, I look between the blood and the fish,

" Fish" I reply, my eyes dull

"Lie!" She giggles " I can't read your heartbeat Mako but I know who you are, you would rather have this blood than that fish."


" Good it's best not to lie to me again" she smirks and places the blood and fish down " Bye sweetie" she laughs as she walks out with Wasp and Sham following her out and Whitey looks at me a expression of sorrow on his face, I didn't notice I was to busy looking at the blood and fish and thinking of what Scarlett said. When the door softly shuts I look at the door. " Did she just call me sweetie?"
