Best friend

" That was good" Sam smiles, licking the blood of his lips

" Uh-huh" I agree as I stare at the sky.

" Um Mako the boat is sinking"

" I know"

" Then why are we still here there is no more people to drain blood from. We left the captain alive, I don't know why... so why stay"

" I want to see if the captain will sink with the ship like they do in the movies" I say

" Oh" he says and sits next to me, on top of the sinking ship.

" This was the last ship, right?" I ask

" Uh-huh sure was. The last ship to fall out of the three"

"Oh look" I laugh and Sam looks over and laughs too " I guess the captain doesn't go down with the ship"

" Can I have his blood?"

" Uh sure go ahead" I nod and he runs after the captain who was trying to leave and soon the captain goes down and his blood is soon drained.

" That blood was salty" Sam complains

" Maybe because he's a sea captain" I shrug

" Wow this was great I never get real blood the cafeteria people back at the island just give me fish with the blood drained from it already."

" Sam your eyes, control yourself" I smile, he looks in the water and sees two glowing yellow eyes staring back at him.

" Oops sorry that's what happens when I eat blood. Last time I got some blood I killed another mutant  her name was Kylie. Wallis had to knock me out so I didn't eat everyone else's blood."

" Don't worry I don't mind, my eyes change a lot too" I say and jump into the red water. Sam jumps in after me and clings to my arm immediately as he sees the sharks swarming the water.

:That's a lot of sharks: he whimpers, and I laugh. I move up to a frenzied shark and look in its eyes and it swims closer to me and Sam begins to shake.

:You're scared of sharks?: I ask

:Kind of: he whispers

:Come on this one's nice: I say and Sam looks into my eyes then looks at the shark and puts out his hand. The shark rubs it's snout in Sam's hand.

:Woah: Sam laughs :He likes me:

I nod : He wants to stay with you: Sam looks at me with wide eyes

: Really?:

: Yeah can't you tell?: I ask and look at the shark bobbing his head and rubbing against Sam.

: Can I Mako? Can I keep him?:

: Yes Sam: I laugh

: Yeah!... Wait where will he stay?:

: I have a shark too hanging around the island he can stay with her: I say

: Woohoo: Sam shouts while petting the sharks snout : I'll call you Titanic:

: Oh... why Titanic:

: So I can always remember this moment when we just sat on top of a sinking ship: he grins and I smile

: Good name: I say patting his head : You want to head back now?:

: Sure: Sam responds and we swim back to the island but before we go on land I call out for Delta. I see her figure swimming toward us and Titanic gets closer to Sam and Sam gets closer to me. : Calm down Sam that's Delta my mother: I laugh

: Mother!: she yells in my head

: Okay well she's my parent figure: I say to Sam and he nods but stays close. : I'll teach you how to talk to Titanic and Delta later, okay?:

: Okay!: he says excitedly

: Titanic you will be staying with Delta and Starry: I tell him

: Who's Starry: Titanic asks and right on cue Starry pops up behind Delta's fin.

: I'm Starry and if you try to hurt me Delta will murder you:

: Uh okay: Titanic says hesitantly

: Starry that's not how to greet someone: I smile then I notice Sam looking at me with a confused expression. : Sorry just introducing them the right way: I say emphasizing the last part while looking at Starry and Starry goes back behind Delta's fin. : Alright let's go Sam, say goodbye:

: Byeee: he says basically only to me since he can't speak to the others. Sam and I walk onto the beach and then Sam realizes

"I'm alive!"

"Uh-huh, yeah you heard the deal I made with Kuron so why so surprised" I ask

"Oh well I guess it just hit me." he smiles

"Oh" is all I say

" Mako, I'm glad I'm your friend and I'm glad you're mine.... Mako?"

" Yeah"

" Do you think we'll ever live a normal life?"

" Well I honestly don't think we ever will live that life because guess what?"

" What?"

" We are already living that normal life. You have family, friends, enemies, and a heart... Sam that is a normal as we can get and I'm fine with that, so are you?" He looks at me and his eyes start to water "You okay"

" You're right Mako. I was looking for something I could never have instead of looking at what I do have... Mako. You're MY BEST FRIEND!" he shouts and wraps his arms around me. I smile and hug him back.

" And you're mine"
