" That's not fair I want to learn how to speak with sharks too." wines Whitey

" Then stop complaining and come along" I say and Whitey quickly follows me and Sam. We walk to the beach and get in the water. : Alright, first you need to know you won't be able to communicate as easily as me so don't compare yourself while your training, okay?:

: K:

: Uh huh got it: Whitey says.

When we reach Delta's hideout I call Titanic and Delta over. : Lesson time!: I shout and Delta goes over to Whitey and Titanic goes to Sam. After about an hour they've mastered sending pictures to their shark buddies. : Okay let's go back: I say and Sam, Whitey and I head back to the island.

" Where were you guys?!" yells Scarlett as she runs up to us

" Oh uh doing some training" I say

" Training? Well whatever you are late you promised you'd kill Wallis" she says quickly

" Ohh yeah that, well let's go kill us a walrus." I say and follow Scarlett to the place everyone is gathered.

" The other mutants don't know you're killing Wallis they still think you're killing Sam." she says

" Hmmm" I hum and we enter the room, inside was a large spacious cage full of water and a regular fighting arena. " Wow they went over board with this, gosh all I'm doing is killing someone" I sigh

" Well Wallis is strong" she warns

" Ha I broke his arm like it was a toothpick." I say

" Mako please don't die" whimpers Sam and I turn to him

" I won't" I  promise, knowing it's a promise I can keep.

" Ohhh look I guess Mako is saying his last words to his friend" laughs Jackson

" I should be killing you" I sigh "  Since you're so annoying"

" Me annoying? Ha look at yourself" he grins

" Huh last time I checked everyone thinks you're annoying, even your sister" I smirk

" WHAT!" he shouts looking at his sister

" Yep" says Olivia " You are very annoying"

" Okay let's gets started" Kuron says standing up from his chair. " So first there has been a change in plan"

" Huh" says Tom " Like what?"

" Let me finish" Kuron growls then continues " Mako won't be killing Sam. He will be killing Wallis" I look over at the twins and laugh when I see their pale faces

" Me?" asks Wallis 

"You can't kill my brother!" shouts Walton

" But I thought you guys could kill me easily" I smirk " So it shouldn't be a problem" Wallis looks at me with rage

" How did this happen? Why isn't he killing Sam, why me?"

" I made a deal and well I really don't like you Wallis, Walton, so I traded Sam's place for yours" Walton looks at Sam, his face red with anger and Sam hides behind me. " If you dare make one move toward Sam I will slice you to bits" I growl suddenly really angry. Whitey gets close to Sam too.

" Wallis, Walton I suggest you calm down" Lily advises

" You said you could kill me so prove it" I growl " Or are you just scared"

"I'm not scared! I'm just saying this isn't fair" he growls back

" Well sorry to tell you but this place just isn't fair. You're weak and right now low on this food chain and me, well, I'm on the top and do you know what happens when you're low on the food chain, you get killed. Is it fair? Who cares! It's life, get over it" I say and the room goes still " Come on let's get this fight over with, I want to go to the beach... and I'm really wanting to know how your blood tastes" I grin and Wallis tenses up.

" Go Wallis and show he's not on the top of this food chain!" shouts Jackson

" Oh look a cheerleader maybe I'll kill him next." I smile evilly at Jackson and he goes quiet. But the words seemed to get to Wallis and he gets up and goes to the arena.

" Wallis you need to fight in water that's where you're best" Walton pleads

" No I'll show Mako fear in his own element"

" Actually both land and water are my best fighting places, but don't want to take away what courage you have now" I grin, I wait for him to make a move and of course he moves first. Stupid. His face grows and his teeth grow into tusks. " Whew you ugly" I laugh and watch as he charges at me. I squat down and touch a metal pipe next to me. I send a little electricity through it then I stand up

" I won't touch that pipe! Mako that trick won't work on me" he says and tries to punch me so I bring my leg up and kick him. I watch him fly backward onto the pipe I just sent electricity through. He hits it and the electricity surges through his body. He screams and his brother Walton gets up. " Nope wouldn't do that" I smile " Unless you want to die too in this same painful way." Walton sits back down." Good walrus"

" You jerk" growls Wallis as he gets up

I laugh " Did you know that wasn't even a lot of electricity? And look at you, you can barely move"

" I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"
