Aren't I just a devilish angel!!!

 I found the scent by a group of dolphins. I saw Sokya swimming around a figure.

: Nere: I called, I saw her look up and start swimming toward me. She stopped when she recognized me.

: Mako: she said seriously : what do you want?:

: I need to warn you and to talk to your father:

: No!: she almost yelled in my head : I don't trust you, you are not the Mako I knew... What did you do to him?: she added sadly

: Okay, yeah I know the old me is gone but that is better and you have to list...:

: NO, I've had enough... You threaten Scarlett, you won't come home, and you hurt Dai... No: she said furiously.

: First off I just told Scarlett to never come back, second this is not my home, and lastly Dai deserved it: I snapped back : Fine you don't have to  listen to me but I will talk to your father... I always revered you Nere you were a sister to me but now you are just someone who looks at me and only sees the animal:

: BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE!: she finally yelled

: No, that is what Dai, your father and your mother are: I replied calmly. I began to swim away when Nere's voice rang  out.

: You don't know my mother or my father or Dai so you can't say anything:

: You don't, I knew them since I was a kid. You need to know the truth: I ended and left Nere fuming and confused. I sniffed the water for Mark's blood and I found it. I didn't bother being seen I  just swam toward my target and pushed anyone who got in my way. 

: MAKO: yelled Dai I stopped and turned.

: Ahh, my favorite shark buddy: I said sarcastically

: Shut up and fight: he said. I smiled evilly

: I can't fight, I would love to but I have more important matters to attend to... You are not very important: I laughed. I turned around and continued  to swim, I left Dai. I climbed up a ladder to Mark's office. I felt weird out of water but comforted at the same time. I slammed down the door. I needed a grand entrance😉 I walked in and stood face to face with the man who killed me- Mark Hanson. 

"Well,well,well look who it is" he said with a sneer. I smiled. He frowned. I could smell Nere's blood by the wall... She was listening. I smiled wider. " What are you smiling about" he asked, clearly frustrated. 

"Oh nothing just that your daughter doesn't know you wanted me to die" I said and I could hear Nere's heart rate go up.

" Of course she doesn't know I will never tell her she thinks to low of you now for her to know"

" So lets change the topic I've come to warn you and to tell you that Kuron isn't dead... Oh and that you underestimated my ability's. You and your wife made me into a monster, a killer. Dai helped you hide the truth that you buried me alive. I have grown stronger than you thought I would." 

" Yeah, yeah I know I did that and now we can use you because you have grown so strong but now what's the warning?"

" Neptunium is after Safety Harbor they have found your location, I feel they have always known actually."


" Calm down, I would never lead them here because some of my friends are here"


" The dolphins, Rad and the others even Nere and her group,and the animals that live around here" I replied calmly. I heard the tiniest gasp escape Nere's lips.


" Stop yelling i'm getting a headache" 


" Okay i'll let them raid your home while I sit at home talking to my friend Starry" I heard Nere begin walking back to the water.

" One more thing" I said, Nere stopped "We had a little listener" 😈 ( aren't I just a  devilish angel) 😇

" What?" he said with a confused expression. Nere appeared where the door should have been. Mark gasped

" How long were you here, what did you hear?" He questioned fearfully.

"I heard every little thing, you lied to me, you and mom" she started crying 

" That was quick" I muttered

" It was a joke we were just playing around" He tried

" Pfft" I sounded.

" Come on Mako let's leave" Nere rasped. Oops, forgot she can't stay out as long as I can. We began to leave when I smelt the blood of our enemy's.
