Please, promise me Mako, please...

My eyes open slowly. Water, I'm back in water. Walls, I'm confined in walls. Cage, I'm back in the cage! Aww man how did this happen? I rake my memory to find what happened then I remember, grrr I hate Scarlett. I look down and move in a circle trying to find the leash I stop when I don't see it. Hmm why am I back in here?

" Mako, you're awake"

I turn and see Kuron and some men behind him. :Why am I back in here?:

" Oh we had to clean out your cage" he smiles, I look at him my jaw probably hitting the floor.

:I went through all of that just so you could clean out my cage.:

" Uh-huh" Kuron smiles " Now we need money so you are going to get us some"

:No: I say defiantly, crossing my arms :I've killed for you before I'm not doing it again:

" I don't think you have a choice, Mako" Kuron snarls " Bring one of them in" he says to one of the men. I swim around the cage frantically. NO, no, no this can't be happening again. I stop swimming when my ears twitch, I turn and see Bria being held by the man.

:Bria: I gasp but then realize she can't hear me, the cage blocks telepathy and Kuron wears a headpiece that helps him hear my telepathy. So only Kuron can hear me or whoever is wearing a headpiece. Bria sees me and her eyes widen, her lips part slightly. I see a collar around her throat.

" Mako, kill this man and we won't kill Bria" Kuron says holding the picture of my target. I look between the picture and Bria.

:I'll kill him: I sigh, Kuron smiles

" Scarlett will go with you"

: What!: I exclaim

" Yes, but she will only make sure you don't try to escape or save your target, like before"

I shiver as I remember what he did to me the time I saved my target instead of killing her. : I won't I promise, please I can do this alone: I plead but Kuron just smirks and turns to the men.

" Let him see his old friends then get him ready for the mission" he says then looks at me one more time then leaves. Chains bring me out of the cage again and I let the men lead me to my friends. We go to the bottom of the boat and I see each of my friends in water filled cages. They had small cages unlike me. They all looked terrible. I run to the cages they all turn and when they see me their faces become even more sad. I stop, I see Dai looking at me with sadness. I try talking to him telepathically but nothing reaches their mind. This cage must stop telepathy coming in but not telepathy coming out. " Dai! Listen to me" he looks away. " Dai, I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't save you or any of you" I say turning to all of them " But please know I will get you out, I promise... I promise with my life." I cry putting my hand over my heart.

Dai turns to me : Mako, I know you would... But we should be saying sorry to you, we couldn't protect you, you are the one in pain, we are fine... Please, please escape, for us... We can get out on our own you need to escape soon.:

"Dai! What do you mean?" I ask but the men grab me and start dragging me away

: Mako: says Nere who was next to Dai and Tobin : Can you promise us, will you promise us you will escape? Please.:

I close my eyes " I won't make a promise I can't keep, and I won't leave you" I open my eyes, staring at them with my black eyes "I am Mako and I don't leave my friends to die, I will rather die than let my friends be hurt if I could help it." I say as I'm dragged away from my heartbroken friends.
