
" I will kill Whitey. If you kill her we will kill Whitey, we will lock and chain you up then kill him right before your eyes."

" ..." I go silent as I see Whitey running up to Kuron

"What's going on?" he asks then follows Kuron's gaze and goes still. " Mako?"

" Whitey step away from Kuron and go to the dorm" I command

" Mako what are you doing, what is going on?!" he says dismissing my command

" Whitey I don't want you to get hurt!" I yell at him

" Yeah it's not like you didn't just slice my face" he growls but looks down " Sorry Mako I know you didn't want to hurt me, I just don't like how you said our friendship isn't supposed to be"

My red and black eyes stare at his guilt filled face and I nod " I'm sorry too but I have to do something so go"

" STOP PUSHING ME AWAY!" he yells " If you're sorry then don't push me away" he cries


" From who, what?" he questions

" From me" I whisper barely loud enough for Whitey to hear. Wasp takes the opportunity to get out of my grasp but I quickly claw her arm and she falls. My attention focuses on Wasp, all the screams and shouts of Whitey and Kuron escape my mind. I walk after her as she tries scrambling away. Anyone who gets in my way gets thrown to the side. The other mutants start to attack me but I easily put them out of action and I continue to go after Wasp but my eyes glow as she finally stands up in a fighting stance. I grin "Finally let's get this game started! But you need a weapon or this will be no fun" I say, look around and spot a knife from one of the knocked out mutants, so I grab it and throw it to her. "Use this to kill me" I smile. She wastes no time, picks it up with her good hand and comes strait for me. She goes right for my heart I don't move. The knife hits my chest and shatters. She jumps back.

" Wh..what how?" she stutters

" Ah man I forgot if a bullet can't pierce my skin that a knife defiantly wouldn't either. Hmmm well I guess you have no chance of winning, too bad I wanted to see you try so hard and fail." I grin, and she begins to back away.

" Don't run" I growl " This game isn't over it's just begun. Alright now it's my turn" I grin and we begin a game of tag and slice. She runs and I tag her by slicing her, then I count to five really quickly then it starts all over again. Blood everywhere, good thing the mutants are knocked out... But Whitey! I stop running and see Whitey trying to control himself. Better hurry up and kill her! I run up to Wasp before she can notice and touch her shoulder. When time catches up she jumps in surprise but quickly falls to the ground. "Aw what's wrong are you hurt" I laugh

" What did you do?" she says in fright

" Oh I don't now used your own ability against you" I shrug " You got a lot of poison coursing through you" I laugh, and kneel down

She shakes her head " N.. No..no.. this...can't..be happening"

" Too bad it is" I grin as I play in the sand, waiting for her to die " Wow you should feel honored you're taking a while for my poison to kill you" I say while crossing the line out of Wasp's name I drew in the sand. " Bye, bye" I smile as I stand up over the dead body of Wasp.
