Unwanted Guests

I looked toward the ocean and saw the familiar shark fin gliding across the surface. I smiled and then looked at my flowers then shrug and walk back to the ocean and swim toward Delta.

: Can you tow me to Safety Harbor:

: Sure: I grabbed Delta's fin and she towed me through the ocean. 

: Stop: I said as we got close. Delta stopped and I stared longingly at Safety Harbor.

: Your not going to go, are you?: Delta sighed mentally : I actually though you would go in today: 

: I will not go: I replied :Never, I am to much of a danger to everyone:

: Whatever you say Mako: I looked back at Safety Harbor then grabbed Delta's fin again and we sped off toward our home. As we went sharks swam up to me said :hi: then left. My cave was surrounded by  short-fin mako sharks they were guarding my home. I let go of Delta's fin and let her go hunt. My home was covered with Fire corals and Hexacorals. The colors had a ton of variety black, blue, purple, and red. My home was out of view from others to see. I went into my cave and look at my sea plants and I start tending to them. I think about Nere, Dai, and Tobin and wished I could be with them, but I can't.  A voice breaks through my thoughts.

: TRAINING TIME!!!: says Delta excitedly

: Okay, calm down: I say and follow Delta out of my cave and to our training area. 

: Alright regulate your body temperature: says Delta. I concentrate on my temperature and will it to go down. My skin starts to tingle and finally my temperature is below zero and i'm still okay. :Now regulate it higher: My skin starts to tingle again and I start to heat up. : Great job, you have graduated from your training:

: Finally: I say. A shark breaks my celebration and yells in a hurry.

: SIR: 

: DON'T YELL AT ME: I scream mentally.

: Sorry, but there are some humans attacking us:

: WHAT!!!:

:Don't yell at me, please: says the shark. I nodded 'sorry' then swam toward the fighting. I saw a group they were standing back to back and shooting at my  friends. One person shot a spear dart at Hurricane, my strongest mako. I became a blur as I swam toward my friend, my hand shot out and caught the deadly weapon.

: Thank you master: I nodded at Hurricane then glared at the group.

: Don't hurt my friends: I commanded

: Who do you think you are bossing us around and sharks are not friends: said a voice I hoped I would never hear again.

: Go back to Safety Harbor, Dai:  I growled mentally: One of you are bleeding and my sharks are hungry, Nere's blood smells great: Dai  began to swam up to me and my sharks made a protective circle around me.

:Who do you think you ar...: Dai stopped as he saw my face : Mako?:

: No, my name is Rin, heck, yes my name is Mako I don't think I changed that much:

: How are you here:

: I came back from the dead: I said sarcastically hanging my arms out zombie style.He blinks his eyes : just kidding I was never dead: He blinked his eyes again and said nothing. : Delta, count to see of anyone died and head back home: I said on a private send

: But I don't want to leave you with these humans and him: Delta said snapping her teeth at Dai.

: I'll be okay, now go:

: Yes sir: Delta sped of 

: So: I said awkwardly. Rad came up to see what was happening and when he saw me he stopped also. : Oh great:  I thought. 

: Mako?: 

: Yes Mako is alive, I am alive so come over here a see and stop staring at me: I mentally yelled to the rest of the group. Tobin helped Nere swim over to me and when she saw me she gasped. 

: Mako?:

: Oh, come on: I sighed
