Meet the mutants

" Mako!" Shouts Kuron " Stop playing around!"

I stop chasing Whitey and grin " Try and stop me!" then begin running after Whitey again.

" This is great!" yells Whitey

" I know right! I really know how to have fun!" I laugh

Scarlett stares at us chasing each other from a distance " Well I know you can act very childish, that's for sure" she says

" Well what can I say medusa I never had a chance to grow and mature I was too busy killing people" I shrug

" Medusa? Did you just call me medusa?" she asks angrily

" I sure did" I say then stop as Kuron walks to a building " Hey where do we go?" I shout after him

He turns to me and points to another small building " Your dorms are there" he says and enters the building.

" Hmmmm okay" I say and Whitey and I head to the building

" Come on Scarlett" Whitey says

" I'm coming!" she shouts " Don't leave me!" she says and runs after us.

I sniff the air and growl " Mutants.."

" I guess that Lucas meant what he said" growls Whitey

" Eh doesn't matter" I say and put my hands behind my head " I'll get to know them and kill them like I have too"

" You're heartless" Scarlett says

" Just noticed" I snarl

" Hey calm down, Mako" Whitey warns

" Oh I'm perfectly calm" I say with a smile on my face " How could I not be everyone I care about is okay, so I'm okay." I say while Whitey looks at me with a shocked face. I open the door and laugh.

" What's so funny" asks Whitey who can't see inside yet

" Just see" I say and open the door wider so he can see and he doesn't laugh but sighs

" Sooo extra" Whitey growls

" I wanna see!" Scarlett whines but we block her view and Whitey and I huddle together

" Should we let her see?" Whitey whispers in my ear

" I don't think we should since her dorm is in the other building and I want her dorm to be a surprise if she sees ours she'll know what her looks like"

" Good idea" we break our huddle and look at Scarlett " Your dorm is over there" Whitey says pointing at the building next door.

" Why can't I see your dorm" she whines

"cause that's weird it's a boys dorm so you can't see it" I say

" So childish" she growls

" It's childish for you wanting to see our dorm anyway, so hah take that" I say folding my arms she huffs and stomps off. " And she says we're childish"  Whitey and I walk into the room and quickly shut the door just in case Scarlett comes running back. I scan the room, it was basically a zoo area a kind for holding seals or any kind of sea and land animal. The room had a deep pool for Whitey so he can go in the water when he needs to breathe.

(It's kinda like this but the water is deeper and it's in a room and there are no people staring and taking pictures. Okay?)

Whitey and I stand still taking everything in.

" I'm not a animal" Whitey sighs

" I'm glad you said that and not me" I reply and turn back to the door when I hear footsteps.

" What is Scarlett running back?"

" No it's him.." I snarl and Whitey tenses up

" Why, we just got here?"

" He wants to start right away, I'm going to meet the mutants..."
